Resources you need to learn Mongolian Traditional Script

Learn Mongolian Language

Free Lessons by Nomiin Ger
Basics of Mongolian Language by Orgil
FB group for Mongolian Language learners
Learn Mongolian Language - Apple phone app

Online Lessons

Video lessons by teacher Sh.Choimaa
Lessons for English speakers
"Undesnii bichig" video lessons
Bosoo Bichigten - phone app
Online Mongolian Script Lessons


Textbook by teacher Choimaa Sh.
Mongolian Grammar by Rita Kullmann
Grammar of Written Mongolian by Nicholas Poppe
A Grammar of the Mongol Language by Chinggaltai
Introduction to classical Mongolian by Grønbech Kaare


Bolor dictionary
Brief dictionary - 1992
Glossary of Names in script
Cyrillic to Mongolian Script
Dictionary - phone app
Grammer check - phone app
Google translate
Mongol toli
Brief descriptive dictionary

Phone apps

Bosoo Bichigten - phone app
Dictionary - phone app
Grammer check - phone app
Mongol toli - phone app
Learn Mongolian Language - Apple phone app


Todo Mongol bichig

Reading materials

President's Corner
Vlog about Mongolian Script
Reading materials shared on Facebook group
Khumun bichig newspaper


Zcode-н тиг
Монгол Улсын Ардын багш, хөдөлмөрийн баатар А. Дашцэдэн багшийн "Сонгодог монгол бичгийн тиг"
Өвөр Монголын Их Сургуулийн "Уул" бичмэл тиг

Social Media

Mongol bichig - FB page
Vertical Mongol bichig - FB group
Mongolian Calligraphy - FB group
Mongol Calligraphy and more - FB page
Mongolian Language, bichig - Khuvsgul - FB page

If you found resources that you think others can utilize, please share with us!

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