Reading Strategies

Reading aloud with children is known to be the single most important activity for building the knowledge and skills they will eventually require for learning to read!

Some of the ways to foster a young child’s reading are…

Read aloud, model reading and shared reading.

Listen to books on tape.

Visit libraries, bookstores, newsstands and other places where reading materials are found.

Get your child a library card and attend library story times.

Read books your child chooses, even if it is the same book over and over again.

Create an exciting library in your home.

Buy or borrow books on subjects that you know your child will be interested in.

Create a comfortable and special place in your home to read with your child.

Strategies to Use When Helping Your Child Learn Read

Follow the words from left to right with your finger.

Model turning the pages and holding the book the correct way.

Talk about each picture and what is happening in that picture, use the pictures clues to tell the story.

Point to the words as you read and explain those your child may not know.

Ask a lot of questions while reading, like “What do you think will happen next?” “Where did he go?”

Answer your child’s questions even if they are interrupting the story.

Put aside a book if your child isn’t interested and pick a new one.

Choose books that have few words and pictures that match the words.

Pre-read the story to familiarize your self with it.

If your child gets stuck on a word you might say, “Try something. Look at the picture. What clues does the picture give about what’s happening? What would make sense?”

If your child is still stuck supply the right word. This will allow him/her to continue to read and enjoy the story

Give your child lots of chances to read the same book again and again.

This is the key to successful reading. It is called fluency.

The more a child reads the more confident they become.