More than 300 participants from 28 European countries took part

The Seminar Content

The seminar starts with your own experiences – you are asked to create a brief prezi or powerpoint presentation about your work. Your questions and learning needs will be incorporated in the seminar programme. Separately you can join the seminar website where you will find 4 knowledge and information modules.

- Self-reflection and adult learning

- Ageing and ageing society

- Intergenerational learning

- Project development

The seminar self is based on the competence model and self-directive learning. We are working intensively using man interactive methods.

WEDNESDAY Theme: The value of ageing and learning

10.30 Welcome, getting to know each other-information about the programme

10.45 Presentations of your work and organisation + feedback

12.30 Lunch break

14.30 Reflection on your presentations

- what can we learn from each other

- what are other resources ( ForAge, Silver Learners, Di-Skills50+, etc.)

15.30 Card and Board game about ageing and learning

17.00 What is changing within the years?

17.30 Reflection - how do we use all this knowledge in our programmes?

18.00 Sharing good things from our countries -

18.15 End of the programme

20.00 Dinner

THURSDAY Theme: Ageing, active citizenship and self-directed learning

9.00 Creating and structuring learning processes: objectives, activities, feedback

Different forms of learnin

11.15 Coffee Break

11.30 “Life Experiences” Mr Panayiotis Mallis.( Vice chairman, CAEA)

12.00 Summing up

12.30 Lunch break

13.30 Nicosia excursion and study visit

18.30 Dinner on the way back

FRIDAY Theme: Methodology of working with intergenerational groups

09.00 What do we know about generations? Practice in our own study group

11.00 Coffee break

11.15 Working wih the lifecourse -model

12.00 Information about interngenrational leanring models

12.30 Lunch break

14.30 Working with the TOY-PLUS model for intergenerational learning

15.30 From programmes to projects: reflection and instruction for duo or individual work

in developing learning programmes

17.30 End of programme

SATURDAY Sightseeing

All day study visit tto learn more about the culture and history of Cyprus

SUNDAY Theme: Sustainable Learning

9.30 Presentation of the developed learning programmes

10.30 Coffee break

10.45 Serious game about developing innovation

12.30 Lunch

13.30 Evaluation-Certification

14.30 End of programme