Unit Three:

Freedom in Central and West Africa AND THE EntrANCE OF WHITE SUPREMACY (2 Weeks)

Week 1: Diversity and Freedom in West and Central Africa


African Cities and Civilizations Thrived while Europe was dealing with the Middle Ages

  1. Watch: Meltrek: Exploring Ancient Africa




  1. Post to Padlet and Write: Screenshot a part of the movie and comment on three ways this video changed your mind


African Cities and Civilizations as Homelands

  1. Explore Senegal, Benin, Ghana or Mali (read how formerly enslaved men and women described their homelands)



Mali Empire (1230-1500)

  1. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3YJMaL55TM

  2. Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gmGL5SqhaY

  1. Post to Padlet and Write: Screenshot something from one of the videos and write what you learn about Mali or appreciate about Mali. What kinds of beauty did enslaved people miss out on by being captured and forced to leave their land?


Songhai Empire and Timbuktu

  1. Book: Trouble in Timbuktu

  2. Browse: https://www.britannica.com/place/Timbuktu-Mali


Discuss the diversity and achievements of West and Central African Civilizations

  1. Post to Padlet and Write: https://www.npr.org/2018/02/16/586513016/black-panther-costume-designer-draws-on-the-sacred-geometry-of-africa

  2. Watch: Malika https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dBVuTbjy6I

  3. Post-It Notes (in person or on note.ly) to share all of the things you have learned about the homelands of people that White enslavers captured and killed

BONUS: Movie Night with Timbuktu or Black Panther

Week 2: White Colonialists Begin Indigenous and Transatlantic Slave Trade


Indigenous Communities Were Enslaved too by White Invaders and Colonists

  1. Listen:https://www.tolerance.org/podcasts/teaching-hard-history/american-slavery/indigenous-enslavement-part-1

  2. Post to Padlet and Write


White Supremacist Justification for Slavery

  1. Read Letter: The Manner How These People Become Slaves - 1734

p. 8-9 Freedom on my Mind (Gray White, Bay and Martin)

  1. Post to Padlet and Write - What stood out to you in this letter? What all seems wrong?


Slave Ships - White Lion in 1619

  1. Read:https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/first-african-slave-ship-arrives-jamestown-colony

  2. Post to Padlet and Write: What did slave ships look like? Pictures of some? Did people revolt on slave ships?


Slave Ship Manifests

  1. Browse: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Slave_Manifests_-_National_Archives_Catalog

  2. Make a video and post to Padlet: What are you doing with this knowledge? How do you want it to change you as a person, as a citizen?


Why did White Colonists Enslave?

  1. Listen and Stop Activity:
