
We report here all the data used, extracted, and generated in our study:

  • Bug-Fixes

  • Datasets

  • Predictions

  • Idioms


Bug-Fixing Commits

Bug-Fixing commits metadata extracted during the mining. The CSV file contains the following fields:

  • ID : Commit HASH ID

  • Repo_URL : GitHub URL of the repository

  • Commit_URL : GitHub URL of the bug-fixing commit

  • Message : Commit message of the bug-fixing commit


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Code from Bug-Fixes

Raw source code extracted from the bug-fixing commits.

Each bug-fixing commit is represented by a folder named as the commit hash ID. In each folder there are two sub-folders:

  • P_DIR: Java source code files before the bug-fixing commit

  • F_DIR: Java source code files after the bug-fixing commit


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Extracted Bug-Fix Pairs (BFP)

Method pairs extracted from the bug-fixing commits.

Each bug-fix is represented by a folder with the corresponding commit hash ID. In each bug-fix folder there is a first level of folders representing the files, then a second level of folders representing the methods. In each method folders there are the following files:

  • : Method's source code before the fix

  • : Method's source code after the fix

  • operations.txt : AST operations performed on the method as extracted by GumTreeDiff

  • signature.txt : Fully qualified signatures of the method before/after the fix


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Dataset of Bug-Fix Pairs for small and medium methods. Each dataset is formed by training (80%), validation (10%), and test (10%) sets, as well as the combined files. Each set contains the buggy and the corresponding fixed code, with line-by-line alignment (i-th line in buggy corresponds to the i-th line in fixed). The original source code of the methods is also available. The mapping file allows to map the abstract code with the original source code.

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Predictions of the models for small and medium methods. For each model, there is a folder for each beam size containing files of the predictions performed on the test set of the corresponding dataset (above):

Each beam size folder contains the following files:

  • prediction.beam.mul.txt : the k predictions performed by the model separated by the <SEP> token. The i-th prediction refer to the i-th buggy code in the test set;

  • prediction.beam.vis.txt : same predictions but displayed one by line;

  • perfect.beam.mul.txt : the perfect fixes generated by the model. The file shows first the buggy code, then the fixed code, then the predicted code (equal to fixed);

  • pred.operations.txt : AST fine grained operations emulated by the model when performing the perfect fixes.

