All learners, whatever their level, have questions and doubts about grammar as they're learning English. There is also a grammar reference which helps to explain the verb tenses and grammar rules in a clear and simple way.

Decide which area of grammar you need help with today and choose a grammar point to work on. When you do the interactive exercises, you can see how well you've done. By revising and practising your grammar you will increase your confidence in English and improve your language level.

Learning English Grammar


Practise using grammar with your classmates in live group classes, get grammatical support from a personal tutor in one-to-one lessons or practise grammar by yourself at your own pace with a self-study course.

But after doing more research, I've realized that a lot of these immersion learning subscribers on Youtube DID study grammar--they just don't attribute their success to their studies. Matt from Japan studied Japanese in school before becoming fluent, Ikenna studied French, etc.

I know there are several similar threads already, but you guys are so helpful that I want to ask specifically 

So I am currently level 16, and just started to pick up grammar at level 15. I got Genki 1 for Christmas and have started reading it. The grammar part in each section is amazing, things are starting to makes sense and the WaniKani background helps a lot (I actually know most of these words!). However, I wonder how I should practice it. The book also has really god questions and tasks, however often without the solution. I wonder if there are some recommended sites that can give me better feedback, like WaniKani, but with grammar.

I know many people use Duolingo and What are your opinions on these applications?

To sum up, I look for a resource to actually practice my grammar. I use WaniKani for vocabulary and kanji, genki for learning grammar, but I need to practice it. To add on, I am planning to do two semesters of Japanese at my university starting after summer, and I am going to use Genki there, so it would be nice to practice something else now.

Thank you for any input, and again sorry for the repetitive question!

So far I have been saying them out loud, however (thanks to this thread) I do not think I will be doing it anymore. My plan is to read the grammar sections in Genki, then unlock those lessons on Bunpro, and rely on Bunpros exercises.

There is two reasons: 1 Bunpro is made like WaniKani, but with grammar. That means it will automatically que your reviews, and keep track of what you remember and do not remember. It will also give you instant feedback on the tasks, which just the textbook does not.

The second reason is that I will be taking a Japanese course next semester (autumn) that will be using Genki, so I do not want to do all the tasks now.

Is it possible to learn German, without studying the grammar? Or at least, minimal study of grammar? I know there are some languages that can be learned very well from exposure, and then just a little explanation here and there to polish things up. I dabbled in Spanish for a while, and I'm confident I could have learned that grammar mostly implicitly, with minor reinforcements here and there... But I also know that German is notorious for having complicated grammar.

I just started learning German a couple of weeks ago, I can't retain information learned from textbook (though can use workbooks to consolidate ideas I've already been introduced to) so I've been working through Nicos Weg online course. I'm starting to wonder how long I can keep going with it. I've heard that German front-loads the grammar (intense at the start, but the further you go the more its just about vocabulary acquisition). So would it work to stick it out for A1, and then grammar can mostly be learned via immersion? A2? When does the grammar instruction reduce, and how is it necessary to explicitly learn these rules?

Improve your grammar with 6 Minute Grammar - medium, our grammar series for medium level learners. On this page you'll find a range of medium level grammar programmes to boost your language skills. Each programme covers a key grammar point with all the explanations, examples and activities you need to become a medium grammar champion - in just 6 minutes. Grammar topics include present tenses, the present perfect continuous, the past perfect, zero conditionals, reported speech, relative clauses, passive voice, intensifiers and much, much more.

If this series is too difficult why not start with our basic grammar series, Easy 6 Minute Grammar or you can check your grammar knowledge with our complete easy grammar reference guide, medium grammar reference guide, medium grammar reference 2 guide and hard grammar reference. You can also try The Grammar Gameshow and study the lessons and use the worksheets from our English Class series.

Improve your grammar with easy 6 Minute Grammar, our grammar series for beginner level learners. On this page you'll find a range of easy grammar programmes to boost your language skills. Each programme covers a key grammar point with all the explanations, examples and activities you need to become an easy grammar champion - in just 6 minutes. Grammar topics include present simple and present continuous tenses, the present perfect, prepositions, relative clauses, modal verbs, adjectives, the first conditional, phrasal verbs and much, much more.

In addition to these 30 programmes, you can also try our intermediate grammar series, Medium 6 Minute Grammar or you can check your grammar knowledge with our complete easy grammar reference guide, medium grammar reference guide, medium grammar reference 2 guide and hard grammar reference. You can also try The Grammar Gameshow and study the lessons and use the worksheets from our English Class series..

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Now that I run this website, I hear from people (students and adults alike) who feel self-conscious about their lack of grammar knowledge. This self-consciousness stops them from expressing themselves, and it makes them feel like they're not good enough for the life that they want.

That's the experience I had when I finally learned grammar, and it has been echoed by hundreds of others who have reached out to me after they completed my Get Smart Grammar Program or followed the five steps below.

Learn about each part of speech with the lessons and links on the parts of speech page. You'll find more detailed information, examples, and sentence diagrams for the parts of speech. Completing this step usually takes some time (especially if you're not following a specific program), so don't feel rushed. Perhaps you could commit to learning about one part of speech a day, or one a week. In the long run, your pace doesn't matter. It just matters that you keep going. :)

Tip: If you want to learn about the parts of speech and basic sentence diagramming in under an hour, sign up for my free grammar newsletter. As a bonus for signing up, I'm currently offering access to a 50-minute video lecture where I'll diagram the Preamble of the Constitution with you. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much you'll learn. (You might even enjoy yourself too!)

Now that you know that words and phrases are units of language, the next step for learning grammar is to study another unit of language: clauses. Clauses are groups of words that do contain a subject and a verb. (Remember that phrases don't contain a subject and a verb.)

Sentence diagramming should be a part of everyone's plan for learning grammar. Sentence diagrams will help you understand concepts and retain what you learn for years to come. Ideally, you'll sprinkle your sentence diagramming lessons throughout the first four steps.

However, if you want to streamline and automate your learning, you should check out our Get Smart Grammar Program. In it, I teach you all of the topics listed above (and more) through short video and written lessons that are very easy to follow.

I was seriously leaning towards walking away from my dream job as a college professor because of my embarrassment and fear of getting caught as being a fraud! Thank God for you! I have confidence, and I actually love grammar now. Thank you for everything!

I plan to study for the old HSK4 test and get a job in my home country with it and think I can do it in a year or two since I have a solid base and a couple of hours to spend on learning the language daily - studying, talking with folks, reading, etc.

A1 grammar points: Our list is designed especially for beginners, all difficult vocabulary and grammar banished to the later levels. Easy examples, each one with pinyin. Try clicking on one of the images below:

B1 grammar points: For when you're ready to really consolidate your grammar knowledge and fill in the gaps, but really don't want to slog through a grammar textbook. Our self-contained grammar points give you just the right amount to work on.

B2 grammar points: These aren't easy, and often involve more formal language or finer points of the more basic grammar points. It's getting hard to find explanations that really address your needs, but this is one place you can find them!

All of our A1 and A2 grammar points have pinyin throughout, but if you want pinyin for all the Chinese characters in this wiki, you can do that using free browser plugins. Also try clicking on the little cog at the top right of any page to add spaces between characters.

It's not yet time to throw out those textbooks! We all use the internet for everything now, but we see also the value in textbook grammar explanations and exercises, and are doing our best to link textbooks to our own Chinese Grammar Wiki content. To see how it works, click on one of the book covers below or try finding your own textbook in our list, and then seeing what it links to. 2351a5e196

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