Welcome to Tiny Habits

Creating habits can be easy & fun

"When you learn my Tiny Habits method, you can change your life forever."

BJ Fogg, PhD

Director, Persuasive Tech Lab

Stanford University

Hello! I'm BJ Fogg, a behavior scientist at Stanford University.

I want to welcome you to a new phase of your life. Hang out with me for a little while, and I'll teach you to create habits in a way that's fast, easy, and even fun.

A few years ago, I designed a new method to change my own life. It was super effective. I called my method "Tiny Habits" and decided to share it with friends and family. It grew from there.

I've personally coached over 40,000 people in my method, and the results are excellent. I'm confident my breakthrough method can help you.

Tiny Habits is not magic. It's a method. That means you learn a process. With these new skills you can transform your life (and that may feel like magic).

With my method you don't rely on willpower. That's the old, ineffective way that usually fails. With my Tiny Habits method you don't need willpower to succeed. Instead, you learn to redesign your life.

I will teach you how to get started. Your personal Tiny Habits Coach will guide you along the way.


Let's go.

First, watch my short video

In this video I share how Tiny Habits started. I wasn't doing Stanford research. Instead, I was exploring how to change my own behavior.

After I created such a powerful method, I felt obligated to share it with others.

My life's work is about helping people be happier and healthier.

I invite you to learn the Tiny Habits method so you can create the life you've always wanted.

What is a "Tiny Habit"?

A “Tiny Habit” is a behavior --

      • you do at least once a day
      • that takes you less than 30 seconds
      • that requires little effort

See these examples

Below you will find five examples of Tiny Habits. Note how each sentence follows the same format:

"After I . . . , I will . . . "

    • "After I brush, I will floss one tooth."
    • "After I pour my morning coffee, I will open my journal.”
    • After I pee in my home toilet, I will do two pushups.”
    • After I sit down on the train, I will take three deep breaths.”
    • “After I put my head on the pillow, I will think of one good thing from my day.”

I call this format a "recipe." That means what you see above is a set of recipes for Tiny Habits.

Let me explain the two parts of the recipe.

"After I . . . "

The first part of the recipe always has these two words:

"After I . . . "

What follows is a behavior you already do, like brushing your teeth or starting the coffeemaker. I call this "After I" statement an "anchor" because it's a solid routine in your life (like brushing) to which you attach your new habit.

(I'll explain more about anchors on Page 4.)

"I will . . . "

The second part of the recipe starts this way:

"I will . . . "

What follows those two words is the new habit you want to bring into your life. This could be flossing, reading, or doing pushups.

Note that in my Tiny Habits method you start small. Really small. You start so small that I decided to call it "tiny"!

Tiny is powerful. I will explain more in Page 3. But before we talk about the power of tiny, I want to outline how my 5-day program works.

Your next step

Your next step is to join me on Page 2, "My 5-day Program."

Your next step

Your next step is to join me on Page 2, "My 5-day Program."

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