I have been looking up for a good learning resource to understand modeling the time series on various aspects (like a trend, seasonality, etc) and build models on top of it. I have looked up fundamentals reading from different blogs and sources, but could not find a tutorial/ literature which covers all the concepts lucidly. Fyi I am working on a forecasting problem, where I have some previous inventory and sales data at my disposal, and I need to predict when to stock particular items in inventory based on past transactional data.

Telling time has never been so fun! This online interactive clock merges both analog and digital versions of clocks so that students can practice telling time with each. Both a fun teaching and learning tool, students and teachers can adjust the controls based on the knowledge and skill level of students.

Learn The Time

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Using the online teaching clock is simple. Simply drag the hour and minute hands around the clock to adjust the time. When teaching, turn the hour and minute hands on or off to simplify the clock for early learners. The controls are on the top right and left-hand corners. Conveniently, the clock features minute markers around the outside, helping young students learn to read the analog. Dash line circles, which can be toggled on or off in the lower left-hand corner, help students see which minute or hour the hands are pointing to. Turn the digital clock on or off using the button on the bottom right-hand corner. You can also choose between the 12-hour and 24-hour clock using the buttons in the bottom right-hand corner. Finally, add some color and interest to your clock by choosing from the colors on the bottom left-hand side.

I want to forecast product' sales_index by using multiple features in the monthly time series. in the beginning, I started to use ARMA, ARIMA to do this but the output is not very satisfying to me. In my attempt, I just used dates and sales column to do forecasting, and output is not realistic to me. I think I should include more features column to predict sales_index column. However, I was wondering is there any way to do this prediction by using multiple features from the monthly time series. I haven't done much of time series using scikit-learn. Can anyone point me out any possible way of doing this? Any possible thoughts?

Perhaps scikit-learn might serve better roles for this prediction. I am not sure how to achieve this using sklearn to do this time series analysis. Can anyone point me out possible sklearn solution for this time series? Is there any possible of doing this in sklearn? Any possible thoughts? Thanks

By using Scikit-Learn library, one can consider different Decision Trees to forecast data. In this example, we'll be using an AdaBoostRegressor, but alternatively, one can switch to RandomForestRegressor or any other tree available. Thus, by choosing trees one should we aware of removing the trend to the data, in this way, we illustrate the example of controlling the mean and variance of the time series by differencing and applying logarithm transform respectively to the data.

A time series has two basic components, it's mean and it's variance. Ideally, we would like to control this components, for the variability, we can simply apply a logarithm transformation on the data, and for the trend we can differentiate it, we will see this later.

To control the mean component of the time series, we should perform some differencing on the data. In order to determine whether this step is required we can perform a unit root test. There are several test for this that make different assumptions, a list of some unit root tests can be found here.For simplicity, we're going to consider the KPSS test, by this we assumme as null hypothesis that the data is stationary, particularly, it assumess stationarity around a mean or a linear trend.

In the graph below, we see a comparison of the original data vs the log first difference of it, notice there is a sudden change in these last values of the time series, this appears to be a structural change but we are not going to deep dive on it. If you want to dig more on this topic these slides from Bruce Hansen are useful.

As we've previously said, we're considering Decision Tree Models, when using them one should be aware of removing the trend from the time series. For example, if you have an upward trend, tress are not good at predicting a downward trend. In the code example below, I've choose the AdaBoostRegressor, but you're free to choose other tree model. Additionnaly, notice that log_difference_1 is consider to be explained by log_difference_2 and log_difference_3.

It seems that Decision Tree model is accurately predicting the real values. However, to evaluate the model performance we should consider an evaluation metric, a good intro to this topic can be found on this article, feel free to pick the one that is more convenient to your approach. I'm just going to go with the TimeSeriesSplit function from scikit-learn to assess model's error through the mean absolute error.

I'm going to suggest a slightly different and somewhat more abstracted approach: Use Darts which is built on top of scikit-learn. It includes 'A list' libraries (e.g., pandas and NumPy) you'd expect but also a few that you would need to have fairly deep knowledge of the field to think to include (e.g., Torch, Prophet, and Holidays). Furthermore, it has a number of models already included. You can see a bit more for both here. One important note: the particular library is u8darts, not darts. They're similar -- and have similar dependencies -- but they're not the same.

The sales_index is going to be comprised of several independent variables. Production of meat (oddly with an inverse correlation with rainfall) and exchange rate as you would expect. But, not included in your model is data for production in other countries (100% pure organic, grass feed, 'AAA' Alberta beef), taxes, domestic beef production, shipping, etc. And that is why you probably don't want to up against professional traders who have both quants and serious domain expertise. Finally, I'd note there is nothing timewise that would give one the indication this was normal or not.

Provides train/test indices to split time series data samplesthat are observed at fixed time intervals, in train/test sets.In each split, test indices must be higher than before, and thus shufflingin cross validator is inappropriate.

Time management is a skill that can and should be acquired, in a developmentally appropriate way, across nearly all grade levels. It becomes a critically important ability that can not only support academic growth but also help reduce anxiety. As such, teaching time management strategies in school is an important component to any curriculum.

First, we may sometimes set up the conditions for inducing learned helplessness by telling kids that they need to manage their time better when we usurp their time; it's like giving them an unsolvable equation and demanding that they come up with a solution. How are kids supposed to "manage" increasing workloads with decreasing time using the time management skills we give them? So kids are not only being deprived of the opportunity to try out and refine time management skills, they are also being told that they are not doing something well when they don't really have a shot at pulling it off.

The point of all this is not to abandon the concept of doing academic work outside of school, or eliminate extracurricular activities. The goal is to develop an awareness that the time needed to learn how to manage time can be usurped, so that all the forces in play can be re-calibrated so kids can have a chance to put all their time management tips into practice.

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) includes time-intelligence functions that enable you to manipulate data using time periods, including days, months, quarters, and years, and then build and compare calculations over those periods. Before using any time-intelligence functions, make sure to mark one of the tables containing date column as Date Table.

When you read to your child about events that happen in certain orders, it helps them deepen their understanding of time as a sequence of events. Books about routines, schedules, and the passage of time can make this complex topic come alive.

Times Tables (or multiplication tables/facts) seem easy when you've already learned them but they drive fear into many children - and this in turn has a negative effect on learning. In this article, I'm going to look into learning times tables, help you identify your child's knowledge of them and provide some useful tips on how to help at home.

Think of the times tables like a daunting climbing wall - when you're a first-timer standing at the foot looking up it's scary - but once you start making a few hand and foot holds it gets much easier.

Children need to be able to recall any times tables answer within two or three seconds - preferably in one second. That leaves no time for counting the way up to the answer from 2x, 3x, 4x etc - the answer has to pop out of memory pretty much instantly.

The 10x tables are a natural part of counting, the two times tables are familiar because of doubling, even numbers and they simply chant so well 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate. . . The 5x tables are helped by knowing the 10x tables and the fact that we have 5 fingers.

There's some debate as to which are easiest from here but the 4x, 9x are usually next. The 4x tables are double the 2x tables and the 9x tables have a few shortcuts to help you learn them. After this you could the 3x tables followed by the 6x tables. Then the 8x tables and the 7x tables - which are generally regarded as difficult.

The UK National curriculum has recently re-included the 11 and 12 multiplication tables many schools do them anyway - I think these should be learned last and separately - even though the 11s are a doddle!

You can know all the times tables without really going on to master them. So once your child has learned the times tables individually the next stage involves practising recalling them quickly in any random order. e24fc04721

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