Hi guys, i recently started learning reactjs(through a course on udemy ) and wanted to know if i should learn html/css and javascript before going further(i understand react uses jsx, (js mixed with html)? I have bachelors degree in computer science( no work experience though). I know c++, java and python, i have very basic understanding of html,css and javascript...i have never written javascript code but i can understand the code if i see it, its very similar to python(syntax-wise). However i am having trouble understanding certain concepts like queryselector, => ,dom etc. do u guys suggest practicing html/css and js for sometime before learning react or can i just jump straight into react?. Thanks.

I have an extremely basic understanding of HTML and CSS. As a website owner, I think they're valuable skills to have. I was thinking about using Codecademy to start. I'd like to hear what you used to learn. They could be paid or free, I don't mind. I'd just like to hear your thoughts on why you chose the method you did and why you think it worked for you!

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It's all subjective, really. Ultimately, it depends on who is learning what, and what they want to do with it. HTML/CSS/JavaScript are going to be your essential tools for Front-End Web Development, while languages like Python or PHP are going to be more for Back-End Web Development (or other programming efforts beyond web work). They can certainly be learned in tandem, it just depends on your ability to keep things straight between them! Each of them has different (though similar, in the case of a lot of the programming languages) syntax and ways of doing things, so if you take on too many different technologies at once, it can be a bit difficult to keep track of which languages does what and how. That said, it is certainly not impossible! It just depends on the person :)

This is also subjective, but I would say that learning Front-End technologies is going to be a bit simpler than learning the Back-End languages. If you're looking to get your feet wet, I would recommend starting out with HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Again, though, that's if you want to get into Front-End Web Development. If you're more interested in Back-End, it may be beneficial for you to just get a grasp of the Front-End tech, then dive into your programming languages like Python or PHP.

The best way to find out what works for you, though, is to just jump right in and give it a shot! You may find that you gravitate more towards one language or portion of development over another, or that you want to learn them all, or maybe even none of them!

I agree with Erik, it just depends on what you want to do. If you want to learn python or Ruby, you will still have to work with CSS and HTML, but not as if you are a front end dev. The important thing to know is Logic. Make sure you find some logic classes to supplement your learning here. I would check out MIT open courseware.. Its very important to know if you want to know programming.

Your approach to HTML should be like your approach to learning a new language. Start with the understanding that you are beginning with no prior knowledge. It can be humbling for even the most experienced workers.

If you meet like-minded people virtually, you can even get acquainted with them at a Codecademy-sanctioned event. By pairing community with hands-on learning, Codecademy sets itself apart from the others.

MIT offers open courseware classes to enterprising students that want to learn from the leading technical university in the country. These courses are designed by notable faculty and students who contribute to the content online.

You wrote that you hate your current job. I really understand that.

This point is: what do you feel when you are learning HTML/CSS? Do you like that? Is that fun for you? (even if you stuck sometimes)

This is really important because working as developer means livelong learning as you can see in my biographpy.

One thing I would add to the conversation is that your health should come as a priority above all else. If you are finding learning and coding difficult then it is likely to compound your mental health issues going forward.

There is someone out there to hire you if you have the necessary skills. I started learning when I was 28, decided to join a bootcamp at 30 because I was not satisfied with my progress by myself and got a job the same year. When my skills caught up to the market demand, someone hired me. I had to move to a different part of the country, but the job is there.

You got this! Just set aside time everyday, whether it is 30 minutes to an hour of steadily learning without distractions. Eventually you will hit a different milestones that you never thought of going over. I just turned 30 and have been on the same journey as you! For me to stay hungry and focus, I cut out playing video games, going out, and sitting at home watching shows all day. This was my main distractions.

You could probably learn quite a lot in 6/7 days but could you do enough lessons and recall it all (whilst at the same time honouring your own school work)? That feels like a big stretch to me. I was working on a tricky css hover effect last night for an end of unit project and just getting that right took 4 hours.

While the kind of content, design and dynamism that we see on the web has changed dramatically over the past few decades, HTML has remained the fundamental framework that powers web design. Even dynamic websites generated by more advanced scripting languages such as Javascript or PHP rely at least in part on HTML. This is why learning to code in HTML continues to be essential for web developers.

i want to learn HTML from basics as i'm noob regarding this, i want a complete detail tutorial of this, i search it in w3school.com but didn't get any detailed information, i'm going to start a project regarding this, so please refer me a detailed and complete tutorial from basics.

HTML forms the foundation of websites. It allows us to create webpages using elements such as header, links, images, and much more. By learning HTML, students develop an understanding of how websites work and how they can create their own. Even a little bit of HTML understanding makes using drag-and-drop website builders easier and smoother experiences. Did you know that Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, was a strong advocate for making HTML an open standard, as he wanted everyone to be able to create their own websites?

HTML, as a type of coding language, provides children with a systematic approach to tasks and helps them to work through problems in a step-by-step manner. Troubleshooting HTML code is also an opportunity to sharpen analytical skills. Students who learn HTML become better problem solvers that translate to other skills and subjects.

Creating a webpage from scratch, adding images, and seeing the final result can be incredibly satisfying. Tying in subjects they already love, like Science, history, Math, or music can make the process more enjoyable and serve as an interactive and engaging learning experience.

Learn HTML CSS from scratch, and practice in an intuitive environment. Throughout this course, you will learn about semantics and accessibility.

You will read short lessons, and solve challenges and projects, one step at a time. Try the first 50 lessons, challenges & flashcards for free. You can upgrade to a Pro account with a one-time payment that gives you access for 5 years.

I've been coding and for 20+ years, and I still am learning little bits from @JoubranJad's #learnhtmlcss course. A good reminder that we all forget basic things over the years, and should never stop learning.

HTML is a MUST for students and working professionals to become a great Software Engineer specially when they are working in Web Development Domain. I will list down some of the key advantages of learning HTML:

Like many aspiringWeb Developers, you might want to learn HTML & CSS but worry that it will take too much time. While HTML & CSS are relatively simple programming languages, they can still be somewhat complex for new users. The essential elements of HTML & CSS, such as how to use HTML tags to tell a program to distinguish between an image and text, can be picked up in only a few days. However, students will practice and study for many weeks or even months to fully master these languages' more complex and elaborate elements. Of course, this depends on several factors. Keep reading about how you can learn HTML & CSS and some resources to help speed the process along.

Since their adoption in the mid-90s, HTML & CSS have become the most commonly used programming languages for web development, as virtually all web pages run on a skeleton built using these two languages. While the output of HTML & CSS is rather unimpressive by modern standards since it only deals with the production of visual elements, text, images, and links. However, modern web pages would be impossible to design for all their complexity without HTML & CSS. This means that anyone aspiring to work in web development must learn how to code in HTML & CSS before they can begin to learn more complex languages.

Using HTML & CSS, you can design rudimentary web pages and begin the process of learning how to create dynamic and evocative web pages. While most modern web page design programs like WordPress allow novice users to construct more elaborate web pages than with HTML & CSS training alone, learning how to work with HTML & CSS prepares students for complex coding processes using programming languages such as JavaScript, React, or Python.

Learning HTML & CSS is also an essential first step in learning how to code web pages professionally. As more and more businesses, companies, organizations, and groups seek to establish an online presence, skilled Web Developers are in high demand. While any professional Web Developer will also need additional training, learning the fundamentals of front-end web development will ensure that students have the foundation to build into a profitable future career. 17dc91bb1f

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