Pretty much as the title says. Rendering all of the unicode format correctly what with composite characters and characters that affect other characters and ligatures is really hard, I understand that. We have fonts that seem to be designed for maximum Unicode symbol support(Symbola, Code2001, others) and specialized fonts for certain planes or character ranges(BabelStone Han, others).

I don't know much about the underlying technical details for fonts. Is there a maximum size? Is it a copyright problem? Is essentially redrawing all ~110,000 extant glyphs too hard? I understand style concerns, but why not fall back to a 'default' font that had glyphs for everything? They're on, redrawing them all would be pretty hard work but then you'd have a guaranteed fallback font for everything. If you got rights to some pre-existing fonts you could just composite them and that should help a lot. Such a font would be a great help to humanity and I can't see a good technical reason why it doesn't exist or at least an open-source effort to create it, so I presume an invisible-to-me reason why it can't be done.

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"Why would you even want that?" questions aside, from a programming perspective there's a very simple reason: the OpenType spec only affords an addressable glyph index space of one USHORT, so one font can only support 16 bits worth of glyphs identifiers, or 65,536 glyphs max. (And note the terminology: a "glyph" is not the same as a "character" or "letter")

The current version of Unicode, v8 as of this answer, contains 120,737 assigned code points, or almost twice as many as fit in a modern font (2021 edit: v13 upped this number to 143,859). In fact, Unicode hasn't been able to fit in a modern OpenType font since 2001, with the release of Unicode 3.1, which upped the number of code points from 49,259 to 94,205.

"So what about font collections?" I hear you ask. Why not use multiple fonts and support all unicode that way? Well now, you've just described Adobe's Sans Pro, and Google's Noto (which are the same font).

As for the "how hard can it be": a uniform style for all glyphs in Unicode, across 129 established written scripts on this planet, each with their own typesetting rules? Incredibly hard. You may think fonts are just files with pictures for letters, and someone types a letter, that picture shows up: that is not how fonts work, and isn't how fonts have worked since the late 1980's.

Modern fonts are the typographic equivalent of a game ROM: sure, it's not much use without the hardware or software to run that ROM on, but all the things that actually matter are in the ROM. Similarly, modern fonts contain all the information for typesetting. Not just pictures, they contain the metadata, the metrics, the positioning and substitutions rules for arbitrary sequences, with separate rule sets for each written script that OpenType supports, mandatory and optional ligatures, language-specific character replacements for letters at the start/middle/final position in a word, or in isolation, character repositioning relative to arbitarily complex sequences of other characters either before or after it, arbitrarily complex sequence replacements with other arbitrarily complex sequences, possible bitmap fallbacks for small-point rendering, hinting instructions on how to properly rasterize vector graphics that are inherently not aligned to any particular pixel grid, and more. A modern font is a ridiculously complex application, that a font engine consults to figure out how to typeset sequences of code points.

So: "Why isn't there a font that contains all Unicode glyphs?", because that's been technically impossible since 2001. We can, and do, make font families that cover all of Unicode, but with 129 different scripts all with their own typesetting rules, it's a lot of work, and almost (almost) not worth the effort compared to only covering a subset of all languages.

Such a font would be a great help to humanity and I can't see a good technical reason why it doesn't exist or at least an open-source effort to create it, so I presume an invisible-to-me reason why it can't be done.

Unicode fontA Unicode font is a computer font that maps glyphs to code points defined in the Unicode Standard. The vast majority of modern computer fonts use Unicode mappings, even those fonts which only include glyphs for a single writing system, or even only support the basic Latin alphabet.

Fonts which support a wide range of Unicode scripts and Unicode symbols are sometimes referred to as "pan-Unicode fonts", although as the maximum number of glyphs that can be defined in a TrueType font is restricted to 65,535, it is not possible for a single font to provide individual glyphs for all defined Unicode characters (143,859 characters, with Unicode 13.0).

No single "Unicode font" includes all the characters defined in the present revision of ISO 10646 (Unicode) standard, as more and more languages and characters are continually added to it, and common font formats cannot contain more than 65,535 glyphs (about half the number of characters encoded in Unicode).

Enter your text in the input field above or click the random text button and see your phrase converted instantly to more than 60 unicode font styles. Click the one you like the most to copy it to your clipboard. Use them for bold Facebook posts, in Messenger, in meta descriptions and everywhere you need your text to stand out from the crowd.

This Unicode font converter library includes a number of styles, such as; strong, double-struck, italic, circled, upside down, Greek, rounded, anchor, fraktur, math bold, wide font, parenthesized, wiggly, Japanese, curvy, stroked, superscript, umbrella, delta, hieroglyph, oriental, chess, currency plus many more to choose from!

With an incredible library of 65+ styles of Unicode font styles and a further 25+ multiline Ascii text varieties to choose from and customise, as well as multiple unicode string frames to browse and choose from you should give Text Editor Converters a try today. And be impressed at how easy it is, and how individual the results can be for you!

It does not work, because  simply asks the browser to display the Private Use code point U+F015 using an italic typeface. The Font Awesome CSS code has nothing that would affect this. If you add class=icon-home to the tag, you will get the glyph assigned to U+F015 in the FontAwesome font, but you will get it twice, due to the way the Font Awesome trickery works.

To get the glyph just once, you need to use CSS that asks for the use of the FontAwesome font without triggering the rules that add a glyph via generated content. A simple trick is to use a class name that starts with icon- but does not match any of the predefined names in Font Awesome or any name otherwise used in your CSS or JavaScript code. E.g.,

Why is that? I figure out by finding in in .fas class, so you can figure out an updated way by looking into .fas class so you're doing the same as it has to be. Figure out if there's a font-weight and font-family. Here you go guys. That's an update answer for 5.13.

My first guess is that you include the FontAwesome webfont from a different (sub-)domain. So make sure you set the correct headers on those webfont-files: "you'll need to add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, whitelisting the domain you're pulling the asset from." -86

...I fixed the issue by uploading the file "fontawesome-webfont.ttf" to my webserver and installing it like a regular font.. I dont know if its part of the pre-req's for using it anyway, but it works for me ;-

Just to add on Jukka K. Korpela answer above, font awesome already defined a css selector "fa". You can simply do  . The catch here is, fa defines the font-style:normal, if you need italic, you can override like 

A Unicode font is a computer font that maps glyphs to code points defined in the Unicode Standard.[1] The vast majority of modern computer fonts use Unicode mappings, even those fonts which only include glyphs for a single writing system, or even only support the basic Latin alphabet. Fonts which support a wide range of Unicode scripts and Unicode symbols are sometimes referred to as "pan-Unicode fonts", although as the maximum number of glyphs that can be defined in a TrueType font is restricted to 65,535, it is not possible for a single font to provide individual glyphs for all defined Unicode characters (149,813 characters, with Unicode 15.1). This article lists some widely used Unicode fonts (shipped with an operating system or produced by a well-known commercial font company) that support a comparatively large number and broad range of Unicode characters.

The Unicode standard does not specify or create any font (typeface), a collection of graphical shapes called glyphs, itself. Rather, it defines the abstract characters as a specific number (known as a code point) and also defines the required changes of shape depending on the context the glyph is used in (e.g., combining characters, precomposed characters and letter-diacritic combinations). The choice of font, which governs how the abstract characters in the Universal Coded Character Set (UCS) are converted into a bitmap or vector output that can then be viewed on a screen or printed, is left up to the user. If a font is chosen which does not contain a glyph for a code point used in the document, it typically displays a question mark, a box, or some other substitute character.

Computer fonts use various techniques to display characters or glyphs. A bitmap font contains a grid of dots known as pixels forming an image of each glyph in each face and size. Outline fonts (also known as vector fonts) use drawing instructions or mathematical formul to describe each glyph. Stroke fonts use a series of specified lines (for the glyph's border) and additional information to define the profile, or size and shape of the line in a specific face and size, which together describe the appearance of the glyph. 17dc91bb1f

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