Ethical hacking refers to offensive testing of computer systems in order to find out security-related loopholes. These loopholes are called security vulnerabilities. It has been a very popular career choice for students of all backgrounds(non-CS students can also learn it easily and be equally good as CS students, or even better than them).

Since ethical hacking is about compromising the systems, it assumes familiarity with how those systems actually work. During your process of hacking(ethically), you will come across networks, networking devices, networking protocols, websites, web technologies, content delivery mechanisms, and many more components of online infrastructures. Being comfortable with what these components do and how they work together is essential. Knowledge of the markup language of the web (HTML) a scripting language(JavaScript) a data transfer language(XML or JSON), components of a web-based system, knowledge of computer networks and TCP/IP suite, knowledge of basic programming in C/C++/Java/Python is good enough to get you started.

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You can learn ethical hacking effectively by following this two-step process. The first step would be to learn about concepts and to understand them well. On the internet, the resources for learning are available in abundance. We recommend:

2. CEHv10 Study Guide by SYBEX: This book is aimed to aid the preparation of CEH(Certified Ethical Hacker), a popular certification course in ethical hacking. It explains the ethical hacking methodology and the phases of it. Each phase of ethical hacking is well explained with details of the concepts and practice on the tools.

3. Hacking, The Art of Exploitation :This book has been very popular in the community of white hat hackers for a long time. Probably because of the content it covers and the depth it goes into. The good thing about this book is that even if you are a novice with absolutely no knowledge about programming and networks, you can still benefit immensely. The book covers Basic Programming in C, Scripting with Bash, basics of memory management in computers, filesystems, overflow based vulnerabilities and their exploitation, basic networking, attacks on networks, writing shell-code, and cryptology.

1. Udemy: These cybersecurity ethical hacking courses have been already taken by many people and their rating is quite good, so we are assuming these will be really useful for your self-learning.

2. PentesterLab: PentesterLab is useful for beginners and advanced learners equally. Their beginner-friendly tutorials and labs are from highly successful ethical hackers and bug bounty hunters and they are also well known as instructors and mentors.

3. Pentester Academy: Pentester Academy is a platform of learning for beginners as well as seasoned hackers. They have courses and online labs for major vulnerabilities. Pentester Lab also has courses on programming, forensics, VoIP, DevOps Security, Red/Blue team, etc.

2. Thenewboston: This channel not only covers the basics of practical ethical hacking but also provides tutorials on programming, app development, graphic design, chemistry, databases, video editing, etc.

3. HackerSploit: Hackersploit is highly popular among bug bounty beginners. It has penetration testing tutorials, CTF walkthroughs, Bug bounty hunting tips, programming tutorials, malware analysis tutorials, steganography tutorials, etc.

2. TheHackerNews: A dedicated platform for the latest cybersecurity-related news. The Hacker News provides detailed information about the latest vulnerabilities, new developments in the cybersecurity domain, news related to cybercrimes, data breaches, hacktivism, etc.

3. HackerOne Hactivity(disclosed vulnerability reports): HackerOne is a bug bounty platform. Bug bounty programs may allow public disclosure of a vulnerability report after it is resolved. These reports can be used to understand how to look for vulnerabilities on a target, how to perform reconnaissance, how to approach interesting endpoints, how to exploit a vulnerability for maximum impact, and what kind of vulnerabilities are commonly found on a specific type of target.

The second step is practice: Practicing is very important because it will help you absorb the concepts you have learned. It will also help you gain confidence in your skills. Intentionally vulnerable virtual systems and CTFs are the best way to practice. bWApp, DVWA(Damn Vulnerable Web Application), Metasploitable are some of the best vulnerable VMs. The OWASP has put up an index of vulnerable virtual machines, which can be accessed here

Ethical hacking is a subset of cybersecurity that entails legally getting beyond a system's security measures in order to uncover potential dangers and data breaches on the network. Ethical hackers can work as independent contractors, as in-house security guards for a company's website or apps, or as simulated offensive cybersecurity specialists for a company. All of these career choices need an understanding of current attack techniques and tools, although the in-house ethical hacker may only need to be well-versed in a specific class of software or digital asset.

One of the most primitive programming languages, C is also referred to as the mother of all programming languages. This programming language forms the base of learning UNIX/LINUX because this operating system is written completely in C. So, hackers must master C programming as it gives them the power to utilize the open-source operating system Linux the way they desire.

Try to learn more than one programming language to get the upper hand. An ethical hacker with sound knowledge of two to three programming languages can dissect and analyze a piece of code. Some of the best programming languages for hackers are:

The most important step for ethical hacking is to learn how to be anonymous and hide your identity online so that there is no trace left and none can backtrace you. Often an ethical hacker might not know who else is in the same network, and if a Black hat hacker figures out that there is someone else in the network, they might try to hack their system. Thus, anonymity is vital for ethical hackers as well. Using Anonsurf, Proxychains, and MacChanger are the three most promising ways to safeguard your identity.

Knowing networking concepts and how they are created is vital for ethical hackers. Getting well-versed in various networks and protocols is beneficial in exploiting vulnerabilities. An ethical hacker with in-depth knowledge of networking tools such as Nmap, Wireshark, and others can survive the challenges in the field. Some important networking concepts are:

The part of the internet that remains hidden or is not visible to search engines is called the dark web. It requires special authorization or software for access. An anonymizing browser called Tor can provide access to the dark web. It is the hotbed of criminal activity, but not everything is illegal on the dark web. It also has a legitimate side, and ethical hackers must learn about the dark web and how it works.

Cryptography or secret writing is an important asset for an ethical hacker. The art of encryption and decryption is a must in hacking. Encryption finds usage in several aspects of information security, such as authentication, data integrity, confidentiality, and more. Valuable information is always encrypted on a network, such as passwords. A hacker must learn how to identify the encryption and break it.

Once you are thorough with the topics covered so far, dive deep into hacking concepts and learn topics like SQL injections, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and more. Stay updated on the latest security changes in the system and the latest tools and ways for hacking and securing a system.

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses or loopholes in the system. Learn to scan systems and networks for loopholes that can lead to a security breach. Ethical hackers can also try to write their vulnerabilities and exploit the system. Some vulnerability identification tools in the Kali Linux OS are as follows:

Practicing and experimenting are the keys to success in the field of hacking. Ethical hackers need to practice the learnt concepts in various environments and scenarios. Test various attacks, tools, and more.

Make a community or join forums for discussions with other hackers worldwide to exchange and share knowledge and work together. There are several communities on Discord, Facebook, Telegram, and more platforms.

Patience is a skill you need to cultivate if you want to embark on a career as an ethical hacker. You can't expect to secure an exceptionally high ranking job and earn a large salary right from the beginning, but there is immense potential to achieve both in a short span of time!

Many ethical hackers start out by obtaining a computer science degree. You also have the option of obtaining an A+ certification (CompTIA) that requires taking & clearing two separate exams. These exams test an individual's knowledge of the components of a Personal Computer and their ability to take a PC apart and re-build it.

To take the test for the qualification, you are expected to possess at least 500 hours of practical computing experience. At this level of your career, you can expect to earn an average salary of $44,000 per year. Before you can advance in your career, however, you need to gain experience and gain a Network+ or CCNA qualification. The Network+ certification validates foundation-level knowledge in networks, including management, maintenance, installation, and troubleshooting. The CCNA qualification ensures the same abilities and aims at foundation-level expertise.

Once you are qualified, you can embark on the next stage of your career, in network support. Here, you will undertake activities like monitoring and updating, installing security programs, and testing for weaknesses. You will gain experience in the field of network security, and your aim should be to secure a position as a network engineer. 152ee80cbc

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