I started almost 17 years ago when I was just starting college and it took me a full 3 years to reach a point where I felt comfortable communicating in it and understanding people when they spoke to me (which I always say is the most difficult part about learning another language).

But you know after all these years of learning other languages as well as doing Masters research on language acquisition, I look back in retrospect on my experience with Arabic and I can now see a lot of things that I would of done differently which would have helped me learn a lot faster and more effectively than I did back then.

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The one thing that really separates what I do on this blog from most other language learning blogs out there is that I take a very holistic approach to language learning which encompasses complete assimilation into the target language culture.

i am fluently speak two African language and intermediate in eglish, i started learning arabic to communication, study and following media with it, so i got MSA best for all becouse as you mentioned above other (dialects) had only few words, speakers and they are fabricated years ago

Hello Nagel ...asalamu allykm,

I like your site a lot. Iam in a dilemma ,if there is a language conflict then Iam in one, like cultural shock.let me explain.

Iam kenyan but originally my parents come from yemen..so at home my parents would be speaking arabic and of course kenyan official language,swahili.(swahili did start from arabic mixed with some bantu native languages ..most of the words originally from arabic but now its evolved with so many jargon words...we have around 41 native languages in kenya).

i went to live in uae from 1980 and iam back in kenya with all my kids who speak fluent arabic and english. but still my community here say my arabic is not fluent enough since i didnt mingle with the arabs a lot there .I was mainly with the sub continent people and even in my work front. sorry for rumbling..

so here i still persist speaking with my kids in arabic but switch to english when i cant make my self understood with difficult ideas. but I DO WANT TO SPEAK IT FLUENTLY what do you suggest i do apart from speaking with my kids what else ? thanks a lot in advance.

I was just wondering whether it is valuable to learn Arabic as a white female from The Unites States. I really enjoy learning foreign languages and about about different cultures. I have been interested in Arabic for quite some time and even took measures to learn some Arabic when I was in high school, but was quickly dissuaded. I mean no offense, but given cultural stereotypes about Arab views toward women, would it be a valuable time investment to learn Arabic if I wanted to make a career out of my passion for foreign languages/cultures? I appreciate any feedback!

It would be a waste of time if you are not planning to use it for work or business relations. You would be better off learning Spanish or Chinese, two of the most common languages found in the America today. If you learn Chinese that is not only gravy, but sets you apart from the crowd. Not many Americans can speak Chinese. It will be more and more in demand much like Spanish

My question is what do you think of learning the Levantine version? Will different parts of the Middle East be able to understand me? Will Gulf areas be able to understand me, and vice versa? How about Egypt? Levantine areas of the Middle East is where my interest lies, but maybe it is best to go Egyptian, since I hear it is the most widely understood? Just curious on your opinion of Levantine.

Hey there. I agree with the concept of assimilation.. In fact that is how I learned the languages which I do speak and it is the most respectful way towards a foreign culture. 

I do have a question about arabic cultures. From my experience in Latin America learning Spanish, I have run into many very uncomfortable and almost dangerous incidents as a white, blue eyed, blond haired female. In Colombia, I got used to the constant whistling and cat calls, but there were still times when I got followed around or taken to a motel, without knowing that motels are only for having sex, or being hit on by a 60 year old man, who I was dependent on at one point and had no way to get out of the situation. At the end of the adventure, I survived and got to know a lot of wonderful people, fell in love and got a better understanding latin america.. However it has left me with an amount of respect for the unknown and a need to recover from the constant blows to my naivety. 

So I want to ask about the arab culture. Is it easier to assimilate for a man than a woman? I think this must really depend from country to country, but if somebody could let me know about their experience as a woman in one of the arab speaking parts of the world, then I will highly appreciate your insight. Thank you.

when I know already the alphabet (I hate Latin transliteration), understand some words and sentences, can use a dictionary, but still I am at a beginning of the journey. Due to the work I do I can devote only some time to learning (evenings only).

So you acknowledge how sacred and in high regard modern standard/classical is held by natives and you claim that part of your method is to respect the culture you are immersing in and learning. Yet you completely contradict these two points when you then speak about classical in a completely disrespectful way. Your disdain of MSA/CA is the sole reason I discourage anyone from your site

Ya ahe ,

You definitely know what you are saying. I wish i could read this at the beginning of my arabic learning adventure that brings me to this mud i am in rightnow. But i will make a fresh start with you thank you very much for all the information.


You are misguiding people, formal/classical Arabic is the most eloquent form of Arabic, by learning it, it becomes easier to understand The Quran and the Ahadeeth... and any form of Arabic literatute.. choosing a dialect wont help u if u go to another Arab country unless u knew classical Arabic as it is understood by everyone.. another thing is informal Arabic does not follow Nahw(Arabic for grammer) or Sarf(morphology) rules.. thats why in every country its different and hard to understand unless you speak classical/formal Arabic which is generally understood everywhere in the world.

I accidentally(!) started learning Levantine Arabic surrounded by friends in language cafs - and suddenly I realized I had started to learn like a child, out of pure joy! Listening, asking, repeating and suddenly identifying words, grammar, verbs. It was the most wonderful feeling, falling in love with a language and a culture through your friends - all at once. This was about 1,5 years ago and the few words, verbs and sentences I have learned (and been practicing a lot) since then has made me so happy.

If you willing to study the Quran, and as you know its written in MSA. 

The closest dialect you can learn it is Leavants countries and also KSA, is better to learn more than west Africa countries(Tunisia, Morocco,..)

Our series of basic Arabic words continue! In this article, we will approach the days of the week. After reading this you might notice that the name of the days in Arabic is in close relation to the number system (

If you liked this article and would like to learn Arabic, why not head over to our website and download the Kaleela Arabic learning app and learn to speak Arabic today? With the Kaleela Arabic learning app you can start learning Arabic on your own, at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. It really is the best way to learn Arabic! Try it now and find out why.

That was our experience when we learned Arabic. It took me the equivalent of 3-4 months to learn intermediate spoken Arabic and to be able to talk about my life and generally exist in Arabic in Egypt.

learning how to read and identify difficult characters for Arabic pronunciation (no reading classes per se but I have learnt pronunciation with the app better than some people with in-person classes)

better than other programmes, it managed to find a "version" of arabic balancing formal and informal as well as regional dialects while actually writing in Arabic script instead of alphabet like Mondly.

with the changes in the pathway system (or maybe for other reasons), I sometimes had a huge amount of new vocab with multiple new words in one given sentence - not all of which were marked as new. I had to use a separate vocab flashcard app to learn the vocab which allowed me to become quick at writing Arabic script on my phone's keyboard.

in the third and last section I don't remember learning any new words at all. if it was all review from the the first two sections, that would be fine - a review. However, the third section seems to have reviewed a veeeerryy limited number of lessons meaning for weeks I reviewed something like 10 words only without reviewing any of the others that I was slowly forgetting. Review is good and I liked this in Duo but you have to understand that this was a bug - I had the same sentences for so long now I know them all by heart and can write them from memory without reading the entire prompt. "there is a grandfather and a grandmother on the second floor" - I have written that multiple times a day these last weeks. A more useful exercise would have given me something like "third" floor at least for some variation. ff782bc1db

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