The Weeknd Moon Sign

Moon sign may be a strange concept to those who are not very interested in the topic of astrology. However, it is an important sign when learning about a person's birth chart. In this article, Leapice will analyze The Weeknd Moon Sign for you to understand this male singer better.

The Moon sign is a part of birth chart

1. The Weeknd Moon Sign: What Is Moon Sign?

1.1. What Is Moon Sign?

In your birthday chart, there are 12 houses, evenly distributed on a closed circle. Each house is ruled by a planet and is located in a different constellation.

Depending on when and where you were born, your Moon Sign will be in a different location. The Moon is not always in a certain house, or in a certain constellation, although it is considered the ruling planet of Cancer.

The moon rules Cancer

Your moon sign shows inner voices that are sometimes ignored by you. But it is your moon sign that drives you to react and act unconsciously.

Understanding your moon sign helps you understand who you are. You can explain why in some situations you act as if someone completely different from normal is controlling you.

Our love of The Weeknd is what drives us to write about The Weeknd Moon Sign.

1.2. How Can We Know Our Moon Sign?

Creating a birthday chart from clear information is still extremely difficult. Most people who can read birthday charts today are amateur astrologers. They do not learn about astrology through formal schools. They just often learn through publication documents, short-time courses, or even research information on the Internet.

This leads to the fact that it is almost impossible for anyone to create a complete birth chart, even though the information provided is very detailed. Therefore, people often look up their birth chart on reputable astrology websites. We find The Weeknd moon sign out with them, too.

You can create your birth chart with astrology websites

With only basic information such as time of birth, date of birth, and place of birth, AI will create your own chart with full information. Then, if you are not experienced with chart reading, you can contact the readers to have them explain it to you.

In this case, creating the chart through the website is free, but hiring a reader will cost a bit, of course. But you can receive more interesting information about yourself. 

We found The Weeknd moon sign by reading The Weeknd birth chart.

One thing you need to keep in mind is that your input information must be completely correct. Creating a birthday chart requires highly accurate information because the constellations, stars in the sky, and our earth are always moving in a non-stop way, without depending on each other's orbits.

This leads to the fact that if your position and time are a little bit out of line with reality, you can get completely different results from what you want.

We recommend that you provide a specific coordinate instead of the place of birth including house number, town, city... And the time of birth should be given in minutes, instead of just providing a time period.

1.3. What Is Moon Sign Different From Sun Sign?

Of course, sun signs and moon signs are two different signs. They have two completely different meanings. But there are some cases in which the moon sign and sun sign are in the same sign (The Weeknd moon sign and sun sign are not).

In a case, the moon and sun are in Scorpio

The sun is the source of light and warmth. It shines brightly and can affect all the places its light can reach. Perhaps because the sun is a planet with such characteristics, when it and a certain zodiac sign are in the same house, people will call that zodiac sign the sun sign.

Sun sign gives you characteristics that you cannot hide. Or it can be said that you show those traits to the outside on purpose. That's how you want the world to think of you. All elements of your external reason, including your ego, how you express your feelings, emotions, thoughts, desires, how you act, love, hate...

On the contrary, the moon sign shows the secrets in you. The moon in nature does not have the same intense properties as the sun. It just shines silently. Its light still exists, although it does not affect our lives.

For example, if The Weeknd moon sign is on an air sign, he will always be driven by free desire.

Read more: The Weeknd birthday sign 

The moon sign does not get along with the sun sign. This can make you tired.

Maybe that's why, sometimes we can't even understand what's going on inside of us. Your feelings, emotions, thoughts, and desires go on quietly. The outside world thinks you're fine with what you show. But only you know the truth that you are struggling with your inner thoughts day by day.

It would be great if your moon and sun signs weren't too opposite, or at least they should be in the same element group. Imagine that your sun sign is a fire sign, and your moon sign is in the water or earth group, or the contrary.

It's really an exhausting battle when your outside clashes with your inside, even though you don't want that to happen.

Don't miss: The Weeknd Zodiac Chart 

2. The Weeknd Moon Sign

2.1. What Is The Weeknd Moon Sign?

2.1.1. His Moon Sign Is Scorpio

Since The Weeknd is an influencer, his fans are interested in The Weeknd birth chart. They even used it to explain his complicated relationships, especially with Bella Hadid.

There are many websites that have posted The Weeknd Birth Chart and are approved by the majority of fans, despite the fact that information about him is not enough.

The Weeknd Birth Chart created by astrology website

After some research, we found out that The Weeknd Moon sign is Scopior, a zodiac sign belonging to the water element group.

The very interesting thing you may need to know is that Scorpio is by no means a good ground for the Moon. This is not to say that the emotional nature of the Moon will be muted when in Scorpio, on the contrary, we are talking about the Moon sign with the strongest emotional intensity. Too strong and uncontrollable, that's the problem.

Like a waterfall when a dam breaks, once The Weeknd moon sign has developed emotions, they will be the wildest and most extreme. This inner trait makes his life more ups and downs and dramatic. Lots of extreme suffering, mixed with sublime happiness like dying and coming back to life. And the point is, he has a need to live like that.

Moon in Scorpio give more negative feelings

When life shows signs of being mild and boring, he will make terrible knots for himself. If he knew how to master that emotional world (which is obviously extremely difficult), he would go very far in life thanks to his strong survival spirit, abundant energy, and ability to feel the hearts of others.

Otherwise, stubborn and negative emotions such as grief, jealousy, and hatred... can knock him down very deeply, before he "revives" himself and embark on new novel chapters of his life.

2.1.2. Is The Weeknd Moon Sign Unified With His Sun Sign?

Sun sign Aquarius and moon sign Scorpio, make for a very attractive person, but also a "rebel" who lives by his own principles.

This is a combination of two Consistent signs. Aquarius' creativity and independence blend with Scorpio's emotional fervor and willpower. He needs to be respected. But more than that, he has very high self-esteem. He has a strong personality and is capable of many achievements if he knows how to control his emotional energy with reason.

He is very stubborn with the path he has chosen, so he is also a resolute leader. As a leader, he is the one who always supports his subordinates, never forcing them to do things that he does not want to do himself. He is ambitious and daring.

The Weeknd has Aquarius sun sign and Scorpio moon sign

In addition, his recklessness and enterprising make him extremely strong and persistent in achieving his goals. Sometimes, some of his actions may seem extreme, impulsive, or stupid, but no one can "seduce" him into doing things he doesn't like.

The Weeknd moon sign and sun sign help him stay true to his goals. However, he needs to learn how to organize his time properly, otherwise, the nature of always rushing to work without rest will cause him to have many health problems. Don't get carried away by work and should be closer to nature. He should also avoid the habit of taking things too seriously, practice laughing at himself, and avoid becoming too rigid.

In short, there is nothing superficial or shallow about him, and when he wants something, it's rare that he doesn't find a way to get it. Persistence and tenacity will light your way to success.

2.2. The Influence Of The Weeknd Moon Sign On His Life

Scorpio moon sign, in general, is quite suitable for his personality and what he presents to the public. At the age of 33, he has already achieved a lot of success in his career. Most recently, he was officially recognized by the Guinness World Records as the most famous male artist in the world.

The Weeknd is successful at the age of 33

We can absolutely say that he has overcome the limitations of The Weeknd moon sign, despite the fact that this is very difficult.

3. About Leapice

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