
Course Description

This course will examine the ethics of leadership in various applied contexts. LEAF is a public speaking course. There is very little writing in LEAF. Students will learn to talk about contemporary moral debates in a range of contexts.. The course will address topics related to social justice, medical ethics, business ethics, and democratic deliberation. Students will also participate the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl competition and/or other public speaking opportunities. This course is an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about ethics and leadership while cultivating their verbal communication skills. 

LDST 390 LEAF Syllabus

Jepson School of Leadership Studies

Common Syllabus Insert

Awarding of Credit

To be successful in this course, a student should expect to devote 10-14 hours each week, including class time and time spent on course-related activities. 

Disability Accommodations

Students with a Disability Accommodation Notice should contact their instructors as early in the semester as possible to discuss arrangements for completing course assignments and exams.

Honor System

The Jepson School supports the provisions of the Honor System. The shortened version of the honor pledge is: “I pledge that I have neither received nor given unauthorized assistance during the completion of this work.”

Religious Observance

Students should notify their instructors within the first two weeks of classes if they will need accommodations for religious observance.