Digital givers are, in fact, more generous than non-digital givers and, on average, give 24% more in a month than offline givers. Many churches have seen an increase in donations by giving their congregants the option to give anytime, anywhere.

Yet, in assessing, diagnosing, and treating the spiritual ills of the Ephesians, Jesus, through Paul, taught that as good as receiving is, the giving is even better. Why? Whereas, receiving is often personal, giving leads to joy with others. If God wanted the Ephesians to experience the joy of the Lord in community, He would call them to know the joy of giving. Paul taught the Ephesian to give to those in the community who were poor and hungry and in need. In doing so, they become part of something larger than themselves. They become a true community.

Its Much Better To Give Than Toreceive

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The command for us to give is not merely to support local ministry, foreign missions, and the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Jesus is concerned with your growth in grace. To give is to experience being a part of a movement that is bigger than you are. To give is to experience the liberation from a privatized religion into a global movement of Christian faith, and this opens up our hearts for even greater spiritual blessings.

The essential nature of the incarnation is one of giving. Thomas  Kempis wrote the classic, the imitation of Christ. In that remarkable book, which I've used to my own devotion, Thomas  Kempis demonstrates how the imitation of Christ causes believers to begin to look more like the life of Jesus. We began to take on the family resemblances of our Lord. Giving is, therefore, part of growth in Christ. To withhold, to only receive from others, is to thwart the Spirit-controlled growth in the likeness of Christ. So, it is better to give than to receive because to give is to imitate Christ and thus to become more like him in our lives.

A: It's worth pointing out that giving and receiving affection are highly correlated. When we give someone a hug or kiss, we essentially receive a hug or kiss in return. I think what we have found here is that there is a benefit to being a highly affectionate person. Not everyone is highly affectionate, but those who are experience a range of advantages in terms of their mental health, their physical health and their relational health. For instance, we have found that giving someone affection is one of the most efficient ways of reducing a stress response and returning the body to its resting state.

Of the previous studies linking the receipt of grooming to reduced stress, two looked at the immediate effects of this affiliative behaviour on heart rate (Boccia et al. 1989; Aureli et al. 1999). Assuming that similar processes occur in Barbary macaques, our results provide no evidence that these short-term effects translate into lower stress levels in the longer term. Our results also contrast with those of a year-long study of stress and grooming in a captive macaque population by Gust et al. (1993). In one of the four quarters of their study, they found a negative relationship between cortisol levels and the amount of grooming received, but no associations were found with the amount of grooming given. This suggests that the mechanisms by which stress is mediated may, for example, differ between wild and captive environments, or between species.

Our problem was that they just received gifts without having seen the needs of others. The single mom we helped this Christmas provided opportunity to introduce our kids to other kids who would enjoy those toys so much more.

Perpetuating the cycle of giving makes the world a better, more humane place to live in. Be a good role-model for people around you, especially the young who are feeling entitled to receive whatever they want.

Researchers found that the group giving advice studied vocabulary 38 percent more in the four weeks after the intervention than did the middle-schoolers who received advice about schoolwork from a teacher.

The findings have implications for programs that promote weight loss, academic achievement or better job performance, because those programs typically rely on participants receiving rather than giving advice.

Year-end presents a wonderful time to consider these and other estate planning issues. Charitable contributions present an excellent opportunity to give by doing a little good for the community and to receive an income tax charitable deduction for your efforts. Several communities still feel the effects of the pandemic and need our help now more than ever. A qualified Estate Planning Attorney can help you explore your charitable opportunities in more detail and discuss other year-end estate planning opportunities.

Bible Verses about Giving: Scriptures on Giving to Others"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)Just as Jesus taught to love one another, we can show our love for others by giving from the joy of our heart to help those in need. We have gathered to best Bible verses about giving to others in this collection of scripture quotes. May these verses be an inspiration to give from kindness and love, not a reluctant obligation."In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35) Read more: 10 Reasons Why 'It Is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive'

When their work was complete, the vision came back even better than the leader originally saw it. When he empowered his people to craft their own vision, when he trusted them, they overwhelmingly rewarded that trust. And because they were trusted, the experience was more validating and fulfilling for all.

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The RePEc plagiarism page Better to give than to receive: Predictive directional measurement of volatility spilloversFrancis Diebold (Obfuscate( '', 'fdiebold' )) and Kamil YilmazInternational Journal of Forecasting, 2012, vol. 28, issue 1, 57-66Abstract:Using a generalized vector autoregressive framework in which forecast-error variance decompositions are invariant to the variable ordering, we propose measures of both the total and directional volatility spillovers. We use our methods to characterize daily volatility spillovers across US stock, bond, foreign exchange and commodities markets, from January 1999 to January 2010. We show that despite significant volatility fluctuations in all four markets during the sample, cross-market volatility spillovers were quite limited until the global financial crisis, which began in 2007. As the crisis intensified, so too did the volatility spillovers, with particularly important spillovers from the stock market to other markets taking place after the collapse of the Lehman Brothers in September 2008.Keywords: Asset market; Asset return; Stock market; Market linkage; Financial crisis; Contagion; Vector autoregression; Variance decomposition (search for similar items in EconPapers)

Date: 2012

References: View references in EconPapers View complete reference list from CitEc 

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Full text for ScienceDirect subscribers onlyRelated works:

Working Paper: Better to Give than to Receive: Predictive Directional Measurement of Volatility Spillovers (2010) 

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This result is quite interesting. It clearly shows how conditional vs. unconditional help correlate in the data with many other factors. We can see that unconditional help caused people to be much less annoyed, more thankful and grateful, and feel less obligated and indebted to their benefactor.

Nick has received many wonderful blessings, VIP treatment, and generosity from others. He is truly blessed. But I have been a bit neglectful of providing him the opportunity for something better than receiving all those blessings: the opportunity to GIVE.

The action of giving and receiving has a powerful impact on relationships, not only with others but with yourself as well. Think about your past experiences with giving and receiving. After some consideration, you may realize that you are better at one than the other.

Receiving is necessary and important. While giving feels wonderful, it only works when there is a receiver. Allowing yourself to be a gracious receiver is a humbling experience and is truly an act of love because it offers a chance for others to give.

Nature provides perfect examples of this dynamic exchange of giving and receiving that is necessary for the flow of life. You receive the gift of oxygen from trees, and you give them carbon dioxide. Insects receive nectar from flowers, and they give the gift of pollination. Symbiotic relationships are abundant in nature and are needed for the ecosystem to continue to thrive. Since you are also part of nature, you too need to both give and receive to stay happy and healthy. be457b7860

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