Dallas Fort Worth Lead Generation Examples

Examples Of Tactics To Help Dallas Fort Worth TX Businesses Increase Leads Through Online Marketing Such As Search Engines, YouTube, Podcasts, Classified Ads, Maps, And More

If you make decisions for a business or company, and you want to attract new customers or clients in the Dallas Fort Worth Texas region, then you may be considering a lead generation service approach. This is because many people have grown weary about sales pitches for search engine optimization, pay per click, social media and other "monthly fee" online marketing services with no guarantee of what YOU want.... that is actual new customer/client phone calls, email inquiries, social media messages, or customer walk-ins and scheduled appointments.

If you are interested in discussing ways to help your business get more leads for the Dallas Fort Worth area then contact us through the button below:

This page serves to give you several examples of how some DFW businesses have generated real leads and new customers or clients; and the businesses cover a wide range of industries. Click here for some of the businesses which have benefited in recent months.

Using YouTube For Local Dallas Fort Worth Lead Generation

Below are some examples of people using YouTube for lead generation in DFW. Please note that the quality of the video serves simply, from the lead generation aspect, as a "conversion element". The first thing to do is to get REAL eyeballs and viewers of one's videos. YouTube is littered with countless quality local business videos which have been live for years.... yet they have less than 10 total views! You would think that the business owners would have more than 10 friends who would have watched their short, little videos - but it shows how much money is wasted when the primary focus is 99% (or more!) on the "quality" of the video. Instead the vast majority of the focus should be on the distribution of the video, with some emphasis on the quality when one is focused on lead generation.

Remember, if you want REAL leads to convert into new customers or clients then you must offer them a solution to their problems and/or meet their TRUE needs or wants (depending on your industry). You can use stock videos, animated videos, on-site videos, problem/solution videos, and much more to convey WHY someone should do business with you.

From there, the big focus should be on how to get real prospective customers/clients to see and watch your video... and then make it easy for them to contact you. This can be accomplished in many ways including:

  • Ranking your video #1 in YouTube for a specific keyword like "24 hour plumber Dallas"

  • Getting your video to rank on page 1 in the search engines for the same/similar keywords

  • Embedding your video in classified ads targeting audiences who are looking for your service/product

  • Sharing the video on social media to your existing followers

  • Using the same video (post) and doing hyper-targeted paid ads reaching people in DFW who are likely to need your product or service

  • Sending your video to any existing mailing list

  • Embedding your video in a quality online press release distribution, especially if you have to introduce a brand new solution which people don't know exists to a problem that they have. This is called "awareness marketing" for lead generation rather than those who know what they need and are searching for it (referred to a "commoditized searches")

  • Getting referral traffic from within YouTube to your videos (like appearing in the suggested/related videos)

  • Paid ads/views within YouTube to help with lead generation

  • Other ways of getting new eyeballs on your videos

Using Custom Maps For DFW Lead Generation

As part of helping build trust in the estimation of your prospective buyers of your products or services, do what you can to make things easy and simple for them. One unique way to help get new leads is to build custom maps in Google and share them in order to help people better understand what they need.

For example, one of the maps below is for a townhome builder near Love Field Instead of just placing a map marker (also called a "pin") at his development's location, by making a custom map of nearby landmarks with driving directions to/from his development's location will help. Doing so enables prospective buyers to better understand what is nearby and possibly discover new nearby amenities which could help increase why someone would buy his new townhomes or condos versus a nearby new development at the same price.

Another use of a custom Map is from the DFW-area business which offers TDLR approved online drivers ed courses for those ages 18 to 24 in Texas. That company made a custom map with all of the DPS drivers license locations. This was done to help make it easy to find a nearby location instead of having to mine through the DPS website. Simplifying and making things easier, even if just repackaging text-based data into more visually appealing content, can help with lead generation not just in DFW or Texas but also nationwide.