LÊ ĐỨC (As in Vietnamese)

Assistant Professor

Email: leduc[a]sogo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Institute of Engineering Innovation, The University of Tokyo


I graduated from Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam, in 2008 with a PhD in Meteorology. Before moving to Japan in 2011, I served as deputy manager of numerical weather prediction (NWP) at National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting of Vietnam. From 2011 to 2020, I was a researcher at Japan Agency for Marine, Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Since June 2021, I've joined the University of Tokyo as an assistant professor. At the same time, I have been a visiting researcher at Japan Meteorological Agency Meteorological Research Institute (JMA-MRI) since 2011. I am interested in applying mathematics and computational science to understand complex systems.

Research interest: Meteorology, Data assimilation, Numerical Modelling


2021.06 - Present: The University of Tokyo, Japan

Assistant Professor, Institute of Engineering Innovation

2011.06 - Present: Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Agency of Meteorology, Japan

Visiting Scientist, Forecast Research Department

2020.04 - 2021.05: Japan Meteorological Business Support Center, Japan

Project Scientist, Research Promotion Division

2011.06 - 2020.03: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan

Project Scientist, Department of Seamless Environmental Prediction Research

2006 - 2011.05: National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, Vietnam

Deputy Head, Numerical Weather Prediction Division

Projects and Teaching

2020 – present: “Large ensemble atmospheric and environmental prediction for disaster prevention and mitigation”, MEXT, Japan

2020.1 - 2020.03: Visiting Researcher, Kobe University, Japan

2019.06: Tropical Cyclone Course, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland

2018.12: Tropical Cyclone Course, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland

2018.08: Data Assimilation Summer School, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan

2016 – 2020: “Advancement of meteorological and global environmental predictions utilizing observational “Big Data””

MEXT, Japan

2011 – 2016: “Advanced Prediction Researches for Natural Disaster Prevention and Reduction”, MEXT, Japan

2011 – 2015: “Projection of extreme meteorological events over Vietnam area for the decade 2015-2030 using non-hydrostatic models”, Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration, Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment

2002 – 2006: “Application of advanced technology in forecasting heavy rainfall for mitigation of flooding in Vietnam”, Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam


2008: PhD in Meteorology, University of Science, Vietnam National University of Hanoi

2006: BSc in Computer Science, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam

2002: BSc in Meteorology (with Honors), University of Science, Vietnam National University of Hanoi


Best Presentation Award, The 2nd KAGI 21 International Summer School on the Active Geosphere, 2006, Bandung, Indonesia

Salutatorian, Annual Faculty Scholarship, Best Student Performance, University of Science, Vietnam National University, 1998-2002

3rd Prize, Vietnam National Physics Olympiad, 1998