Le Coran des historiens is a complement to Le Dictionnaire du Coran (Robert Laffont, 2007) also edited by Professor Amir-Moezzi; both publications were made possible by a grant from Roshan Cultural Heritage Institute. Professor Amir-Moezzi is the author and/or director of numerous other books and articles on Islam in general and on Shiism in particular, many of which have been translated in English.

Adrien de Jarmy,  Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi & Guillaume Dye, Le Coran des historiens , MIDO [En ligne], 36 | 2021, mis en ligne le 05 juin 2021, consult le 04 janvier 2024. URL :

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The Quran of Historians (French: Le Coran des historiens) is a work of research and historical synthesis on Islam, specifically focusing on the Quran. It was published in three volumes in 2019 by ditions du Cerf after five years of work. The book was described as a "summa" of current knowledge on the history of Islam by several researchers.

Comme dans tout travail historique, les auteurs se doivent de citer leurs sources, mais galement nous avertir de leur souci mthodologique. Le Coran des historiens comporte une introduction particulirement clairante  ce sujet : 17dc91bb1f

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