
Information for authors

All the authors are encouraged to submit papers in line with the session topics. All contributions must meet high standards of quality, be original, and cannot have been previously published elsewhere or intended for publication. 

Full papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee and if accepted and presented, they will be published in Elsevier's Procedia Computer Science open-access journal, available in ScienceDirect and submitted to be indexed/abstracted in CPCI (ISI conferences and part of Web of Science), Engineering Index, and Scopus.

Submission Instructions

Submissions for the conference must be made as complete papers (there is no abstract submission stage) submitted as PDF documents through the EasyChair online submission and review system.

Full papers should be detailed academic articles in conventional format. The guide length for full papers is 8 to 10 pages (maximum).

Links and guidelines:

For a paper to be published in the Procedia proceedings

It is the author's responsibility to ensure that their paper does not contain any errors. Also, kindly note that Elsevier will publish what they receive so it is important that the authors submit the final version of their papers.

Proofs will not be sent to authors at any time during production.

If the above conditions are not adhered to, the paper will not be published in Procedia Energy, but we may be able to publish the paper elsewhere - contact us for details.


Elsevier has now automated the exclusive license transfer process. A copy of the online form will be directly sent to the Authors during production. All copyrights related queries can be sent to

Submission Conditions

All oral and poster papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee.

By submitting a paper for the Session authors undertake that, if the paper is accepted, they will pay the fee, attend the conference, and present the paper.

By submitting a paper you also indicate that you accept the KES Terms and Conditions, available .. here .. on the conference web site, and that you agree to abide by them.