LDHACK: Building capacity through design thinking

Resources and support site

What is LDHACK?

LDHACK is a series of shortened 'Hackathon' style design workshops run by the ASCILITE Learning Design (LD) SIG. These events act as a Community of Practice for Learning Designers and others wishing to better understand and undertake learning design within their field. We do this through informal membership and sharing practice between practitioners with different levels of experience.  

LDHACK focuses on tackling case studies and showcasing design solutions to educational problems through building and providing a collaborative, safe space. The ultimate aim is to build capacity and awareness within the sector, through the lens of learning design, using a range of case studies and examples (design challenges). 

The design challenges will be provided under the relevant sessions below in the schedule, two weeks prior to the event running. Please also read the rules of engagement before attending. 

For regular updates and to register for LDHACK events, consider joining the Australian Association of Learning Designers LinkedIn group


The aims of LDHACK are to: 

Rules of engagement

We encourage all learning designers and learning design practitioners who are engaging in LDHACK activities to come prepared with: 

While we are a space open to all Learning Design practitioners, we particularly encourage those early in their Learning Design career and those planning to move into Learning Design from another field to join us. Those in later stages of their career may find LDHACKS useful as a broader networking and sharing practice opportunity and for providing mentorship and expertise to others. 

You can choose to engage as much or as little as you like but we do ask that you always be respectful of others. This means that any feedback should aim to be constructive and questioning as a way to encourage others' to articulate their rationale. 


Photo of hand holding an acorn

Pre-session (Thursday 25 May, 12-1pm AEST)

Topic: Introducing LDHACK


Pre-session activities:

Briefly review Padlet of LD frameworks (hosted by Danielle Hinton but crowdsourced by the LD/ID community) and consider the prompts below. 

Design challenge/prompts:

Further resources:

Photo of notebook with notes and mind maps

Webinar 1 (Friday 30 June, 12-1.30pm AEST)

Topic: Scaffolding learning for constructive alignment

The session involves analysing the alignment of a fictitious scenario, identifying areas for improvement, and proposing strategies for coherence enhancement. The focus will be on redesigning learning outcomes, aligning activities and assessments accordingly, and creating engaging learning experiences. Participants will be divided into a cross-disciplinary team for hands-on design, brainstorming, and share their group discussion in a collegial supportive environment.


Pre-session activities:

Please review the case study scenario and couple of resources for background reading:

Design challenge/prompt:

Critically review and provide feedback to a subject lead on an existing tertiary subject. The aim is to scaffold learning for constructive alignment, ensuring that learning outcomes, activities, assessment, and experiences are aligned.

Bring your key review points, ideas and feedback to the session around what you would do to improve the subject. Consider also the types of feedback you could provide to the subject lead. Discuss and compare with your peers around what you found and your approaches. 

Bring your team insights back to the broader group, to form guidance to effectively scaffold learning and create a coherent learning journey that aligns all aspects of the subject.

Further resources:

Photo of pin board with lots of multi-coloured post-it notes pinned to it

Webinar 2 (Friday 28 July, 12-1.30pm AEST)

Topic: Designing for Engagement 

Analyse a typical unit/subject and consider issues and ways to redesign for engagement. The aim is to offer improvements that would support active learning, engagement and flexible modes of delivery. 

Register for Webinar 2 via LinkedIn Events


Pre-session activities:

Complete the pre-session activity LDHACK Webinar 2 Activity: Design for engagement (Google Doc) to analyse and offer improvements for a fictional Marketing unit. An optional template is included for you to document your findings and ideas.
In the webinar, present 1 issue and your learning design ideas to the LDHACK group. You are not expected to present your reflections but we will discuss these collaboratively (time permitting). 

Design challenge/prompt:

Further resources:

Photo of handdrawn wireframe design mockups

Webinar 3 (Friday 1st September, 12-1.30pm AEST)

Topic: Designing for Inclusion

This webinar we will look at inclusive design and how to design for inclusion within a unit/course, and how you can signal and support welcoming and belonging in simple ways. The activity gets you to review the 'Worst syllabus ever!' and think about the purpose of the syllabus in both communicating important information, but also as an opportunity to build inclusion given it is often a student or learners' first experience with the learning materials and unit/course. 

Register for Webinar 3 via LinkedIn Events


Pre-session activities:

Review the Worst Syllabus Ever and pull out at least 3 problematic areas that you think could be improved. Alternatively you might want to try 'spot the number of issues' you feel might hinder inclusion. We will use the LDHACK time to consider how inclusion can be written into the syllabus and course. 

Further resources:

The following resources are optional but may provide you with ideas around the ways in which a syllabus can signal and support inclusion. 

Aerial photo of a group collaborating - features hands all drawing on paper and post-its

Hybrid Workshop (Melbourne)


Date: 27th October, 2023

Time: 10am - 3.30pm

Location: Hybrid
La Trobe University City campus, Melbourne or online (virtual attendance)

Register via Eventbrite

Pre-session activities:

A link to a collaborative Miro board will be provided where participants can note what design challenge/design work they will be bringing to the session. We will aim to group attendees/participants together thematically where possible. 


Design challenge/prompt:

Close up photo of a dandelion, with seeds being blown in the wind

Debrief/closing webinar (TBC)

Topic: Consolidation and reflection




Pre-session activities:


Design challenge/prompt:

Further resources:



The LDHACK events are co-facilitated by Kate Mitchell, Leanne Ngo, Keith Heggart and Kashmira Dave.

Leanne Ngo, Keith Heggart and Kashmira Dave also lead the Learning Design SIG (LD SIG). 

Find out more about the LD SIG and join the group via the Learning Design SIG page on the ASCILITE website.