3rd International Workshop on Linked Data and Distributed Ledgers

Co-located with the WebConference @ Lyon - France

24th April 2018

The proceedings of the workshop will be included in the companion proceedings of The WebConf2018.

Starting in 2018, the proceedings of The Web Conference will be published as HTML5 documents. The new workflow required for this change has not been finalized yet by ACM. As a consequence, the definitive submissions guidelines are not available for the moment, but will be published on the conference website as soon as possible. At this point we can only encourage the authors to use the ‘sigconf’ ACM template for their submissions, but they may have to change the format for the final versions.

The maximum number of pages is 8 (including references). For demonstration and vision papers, we suggest a maximum of 4 pages. Papers have to be submitted through the EasyChair instance for WebConf's satellite events (select as track "3rd Workshop on Linked Data & Distributed Ledgers").

While we need that the authors submit through that submission system for reviewing and to be included in the companion proceedings, LD-DL also supports the Linked Research principles (https://linkedresearch.org/calls#how-to-lr) and warmly suggest authors to consider them when preparing their papers. Authors are also encouraged to use OpenTimestamps to create a blockchain-backed provable timestamp of their submissions.

At least one author of an accepted paper needs to register to the workshop.