For example, "ldap://,dc=example,dc=com" refers to all user attributes in John Doe's entry in, while "ldap:///dc=example,dc=com??sub?(givenName=John)" searches for the entry in the default server (note the triple slash, omitting the host, and the double question mark, omitting the attributes). As in other URLs, special characters must be percent-encoded.

An organization with the domain may use the top level LDAP DN dc=example, dc=org (where dc means domain component). If the LDAP server is also named, the organization's top level LDAP URL becomes ldap://,dc=org.

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However, if what you meant was your primary can reach ldap from the ldap vip (using snip); but can't from the NSIP, then you need to identify that first before thinking about the secondary.

Its sounds like you've separated your NSIP from SNIP with the nsvlan and vlan configurations. (The NSIP isn't isolated to the management IPs physically, without additional networking configurations.) This would then imply your NSIP and SNIP. Your routing rules and vlans may support only using the SNIP to reach the ldap network destination.

This was because I needed to import the trusted root certificate authority, which I tried to do in the ArcGIS/admin page, under machines/machinename/sslcertificates, but the error persisted. So... it turns out the jvm's have their own keystore, and here are all of the other steps you may need to follow to get your secure ldap working with ArcGIS server, in excruciatingly overdetailed glory.

Addendum... so, I had to do it for ArcGIS 10.3.1... and encountered issue after issue, and could not decipher the problem, until I tried a java app called sslpoke which makes sure your root certificates are set up right and you can get to the target host given... and I learned that ArcGIS 10.3.1 runs on java 1.7.0_76, found in \ArcGIS\server\framework\runtime\jre, which does not support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2. It only supports TLSv1. This is obsolete, and not allowed to connect to newer ldap versions, or other server types, so it causes a big problem if your it department decides to upgrade the LDAP servers to disallow TLSv1, which honestly, they should really do. So, what's the fix? You need to go find at LEAST java se 1.7.0_131, which is the first one to include TLS1.1 / 1.2 support, which requires an oracle support contract to download. Trust me that this is the first one that works, I tested connecting to LDAP with every 1.7.0_X version out there that is lower than 1.7.0_131. Anything higher than 1.7.0_131 should work also, I tested for TLS1.2 sslpoke success up to the current developer-only build 1.7.0_241 from the oracle patching support site, but I didn't try placing them into the ArcGIS folder yet, so back up your config_store. Once you have that, you can save your cacerts file, or just reimport your root certs to it, then stop arcgis server, and replace the server's jre folder under \ArcGIS\server\framework\runtime\jre folder with the 1.7.0_131 (or higher) jre folder you obtained.

I understand that is a solution, but it's not going to happen in our environment. And if that is Splunk's only solution, then I need to open an ehancement request, because they need to improve the way they do ldap integration.

I'm in a problem like this from days, so i asked to windows administrators to change maximun page size on Active Directory and now i'm waiting for this. However it is a vary strange regression of Splunk ...In 3.x version it was present a pageSize directive for ldap pagining search.

RabbitMQ LDAP plugin depends on an LDAP client called eldap. The libraryships with Erlang/OTP. On some operating systems, Erlangis provided as a group of packages instead of one monolithic package, socomponents such as eldap must be installed separately from the main runtime.

For the plugin to be able to connect to a LDAP server, at least one server hostname or IP address must be configuredusing the auth_ldap.servers key. If multiple values are provided,List values can be hostnames or IP addresses. This value must be configured. The followingexample configures the plugin to use two LDAP servers. They will be triedin order until connection to one of them succeeds:

LDAP server connections are pooled to avoid excessive connection churn and LDAP serverload. By default the pool has up to 64 connections. This can be controlled using theauth_ldap.connection_pool_size setting:

It is possible to connect to LDAP servers using TLS. To instruct theplugin to do so, set the auth_ldap.use_ssl setting to true.If StartTLS is used by the LDAP server, use auth_ldap.use_starttls instead.Note that those settings are mutually exclusive (cannot be combined).Both values default to false.

The other way to convert a username to a DistinguishedName is via an LDAP lookup. To do this, setauth_ldap.dn_lookup_attribute to the name of theattribute that represents the user name, andauth_ldap.dn_lookup_base to the base DN for thequery. The lookup can be done at one of two times, eitherbefore attempting to bind as the user in question, orafterwards.

To do the lookup after binding, leaveauth_ldap.dn_lookup_bind set to its defaultof as_user. The LDAP plugin will then bindwith the user's plain (unmodified) username to do the login, thenlook up its DN. In order for this to work the LDAP serverneeds to be configured to allow binding with the plainusername (Microsoft Active Directory typically does this).

The plugin makes it possible to control the verbosity of LDAP activitylogging using the auth_ldap.log(rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap.log in the classic config format) setting.This is essential for troubleshooting.

Note that it is not possible to use thedefault as_user configuration when users connectwithout providing a password. In that case, useauth_ldap.other_bind.user_dn and auth_ldap.other_bind.passwordor the anon option.

Note the longer rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap prefix.Queries are expressed using a domain-specific language expressed in Erlang terms (data structures),so they can be defined only using theclassic config format. Starting with RabbitMQ 3.7query definitions are commonly placed into the advanced.config file.

ldapsearch is a command line tool that ships with LDAP and makes it possible to execute arbitraryLDAP queries against an OpenLDAP installation. This can be useful when troubleshooting complex authorisationqueries. ldp.exe is the Active Directory counterpart.

- Load balancing (LB): as indicated above, it is possible to set up a load balancer with your Domain Controllers/LDAP servers behind it. Again, the SSL limitations above would apply however in this case you'll be using a custom DNS such as to access the LB.

In the second mode, which we will call the search+bind mode, the server first binds to the LDAP directory with a fixed user name and password, specified with ldapbinddn and ldapbindpasswd, and performs a search for the user trying to log in to the database. If no user and password is configured, an anonymous bind will be attempted to the directory. The search will be performed over the subtree at ldapbasedn, and will try to do an exact match of the attribute specified in ldapsearchattribute. Once the user has been found in this search, the server disconnects and re-binds to the directory as this user, using the password specified by the client, to verify that the login is correct. This mode is the same as that used by LDAP authentication schemes in other software, such as Apache mod_authnz_ldap and pam_ldap. This method allows for significantly more flexibility in where the user objects are located in the directory, but will cause two separate connections to the LDAP server to be made.

Note that using ldapscheme or ldaptls only encrypts the traffic between the PostgreSQL server and the LDAP server. The connection between the PostgreSQL server and the PostgreSQL client will still be unencrypted unless SSL is used there as well.

scope must be one of base, one, sub, typically the last. (The default is base, which is normally not useful in this application.) attribute can nominate a single attribute, in which case it is used as a value for ldapsearchattribute. If attribute is empty then filter can be used as a value for ldapsearchfilter.

The URL scheme ldaps chooses the LDAPS method for making LDAP connections over SSL, equivalent to using ldapscheme=ldaps. To use encrypted LDAP connections using the StartTLS operation, use the normal URL scheme ldap and specify the ldaptls option in addition to ldapurl.

When using search+bind mode, the search can be performed using a single attribute specified with ldapsearchattribute, or using a custom search filter specified with ldapsearchfilter. Specifying ldapsearchattribute=foo is equivalent to specifying ldapsearchfilter="(foo=$username)". If neither option is specified the default is ldapsearchattribute=uid.

If PostgreSQL was compiled with OpenLDAP as the LDAP client library, the ldapserver setting may be omitted. In that case, a list of host names and ports is looked up via RFC 2782 DNS SRV records. The name _ldap._tcp.DOMAIN is looked up, where DOMAIN is extracted from ldapbasedn.

When a connection to the database server as database user someuser is requested, PostgreSQL will attempt to bind anonymously (since ldapbinddn was not specified) to the LDAP server, perform a search for (uid=someuser) under the specified base DN. If an entry is found, it will then attempt to bind using that found information and the password supplied by the client. If that second connection succeeds, the database access is granted.

We will be using this extension to synthetically monitor LDAP endpoints for availability and response time, along with any specific LDAP searches. LDAP is a protocol similar to HTTP; the URL used in this extension uses ldap(s):// as opposed to http(s)://

To remove the ldap-auth Plugin, you can delete the corresponding JSON configuration from the Plugin configuration. APISIX will automatically reload and you do not have to restart for this to take effect. e24fc04721

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