Licking County Mobility Management
Increase understanding and awareness of community transportation needs
Increase awareness of current community transportation options and programs
Ensure that transportation considerations are included in local and regional planning activities
Increase local capacity for transportation services
Assist individuals with accessing all community transportation options
MORPC worked with nine Central Ohio counties to develop a transit coordinated plan for the ODOT Human Service Transportation Coordination Region 6 – the Regional Mobility Plan
Linking YOU to the transportation resources here in Licking County
The Licking County Area Transportation Study (LCATS) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Newark, Ohio urbanized area and conducts a continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive multi-modal urban transportation planning process. In addition LCATS supports the Mobility Management Program for Licking County.
The ODOT Mobility Management Projects are capital projects that increase access to mobility for Ohioans by increasing understanding and awareness of transportation needs, promote coordination of transportation options to meet needs, and build sustainable and healthy communities by integrating transportation into planning and programs.