Curriculum vitae

Lorenzo Casimiro


Date of birth: 22 Jun 1992

Nationality: Italian

City: Paris, France 

Work experience

Post-doctoral fellowships


CLAN - Center for Light Activated Nanostructures (Università di Bologna and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche)

"Novel Photo- and Electro-responsive Supramolecular Systems and Molecular Machines" - Supervisors: Prof. Serena SILVI, Prof. Alberto CREDI

Research stay (May-Oct 2018)

PPSM Laboratory - ENS Paris-Saclay

Università di Bologna, 110/110 cum laude

"Threadlike components for photo-activated molecular pumps" - Supervisors: Prof. Serena SILVI, Prof. Alberto CREDI, Dr. Massimo BARONCINI

Università di Bologna, 110/110 cum laude

"Threadlike components for photo-activated molecular pumps" - Supervisors: Prof. Serena SILVI, Prof. Alberto CREDI, Dr. Massimo BARONCINI

Research interests



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