Call for Papers

We invite paper submissions to our workshop on topics related to both practical and theoretical aspects of learning by instruction, including but not limited to the following areas:

  • Learning from natural language
  • Learning by demonstrations
  • Instruction-following and teleoperation
  • Interactive learning
  • Learning from multiple teachers
  • Learning in grounded environments
  • Effective techniques for incorporating human domain knowledge
  • Persistent and iterative task learning from extended interactions
  • Novel applications of learning by instruction

Please format your papers using NIPS 2018 style files. The page limit is 4-8 pages (excluding references). Previously published work (or under-review) is acceptable, though it needs to be indicated (in a footnote) as published work when submitting. Accepted work will be presented as posters during the workshop, with exceptional submissions also presented as oral talks. Accepted papers will not be archived, thus submission does not preclude publications in other venues.

Key Information: