Who Is at Fault in a T-Bone Accident?

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A t-bone car crash, also known as a broadside collision or side-impact collision, occurs when one vehicle collides head-on with another vehicle's side. Intersections, crossing a multi-lane highway, at a traffic light, or when a driver loses control of their vehicle are all common places for side-impact collisions to occur.

A t-bone collision differs from most traffic collisions in that the accident victim is only protected by a thin door and window. Although fault in a t-bone collision may appear obvious, it is not always so.

If you were in a t-bone car accident and aren't sure who was to blame, contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

In the following article, we will consider who might be at fault in a side-impact collision.


What Does T-Bone Mean in a Car Accident?

A t-bone or side-impact accident occurs when one vehicle collides with the side of another, as we mentioned earlier. T-bone car accidents are so named because the shape of the two vehicles when they collide is similar to a "T."

T-bone collisions commonly occur at intersections when a driver runs a red light, fails to yield on a left turn, or fails to stop at a stop sign and collides with the side of another vehicle.

When a driver misreads traffic lights and turns left thinking they have a green light, a left-turn t-bone car accident occurs. An oncoming vehicle frequently collides with the side of the vehicle that has misjudged the traffic lights.

Because the oncoming vehicle is likely to be driving at a high speed, left-turn t-bone car accidents are more likely to result in serious injuries that require immediate medical attention.

What Happens After a Car Accident Not Your Fault?

First and foremost, maintain your composure if you are involved in any type of accident. Check to see if anyone requires medical attention, and if so, call 911 for the injured party. It's best not to transport a wounded person on your own after a t-bone collision. Move all involved vehicles to the side of the road to avoid blocking traffic or causing another accident.

If another driver was clearly at fault, that driver must report the accident. Evidence may be the only way to establish that the accident took place. As a result, before leaving the scene, gather information such as:

  • The at-fault party's name, address, and driver's license number. Take a photo of their license.

  • The name of the at-fault driver's insurance company and the number on their policy. Take a photo of their insurance card.

  • Witnesses' names, phone numbers, and addresses, as well as any remarks about the incident.

  • Photos of the accident scene, including the location of the damage.

  • Call the police. If it's unclear who caused the collision, filing a police complaint can help the insurance companies and your lawyer.

  • Make a note of the important elements of the accident. As time passes, it can become more difficult to remember small details.

  • Inform your auto insurance company about the accident.

  • Hire an experienced car accident attorney to evaluate the accident injury claim. A lawyer is your best bet to be awarded compensation for medical expenses and damages.

Potentially Liable Parties in a T-Bone Accident

Fault in any car accident, including t-bone collisions, is usually based on negligence by the drivers or the manufacturer of the car. It's very rare for something else to cause a t-bone accident such as an animal darting in front of a car. A negligent driver is responsible for the damages caused by the collision to other drivers and passengers. Violations of traffic laws or failure to drive safely are common causes of negligence. Road conditions, traffic signals, and vehicle defects all play a role in determining who is at fault in a t-bone car accident.

The Drivers Involved

The main drivers involved in the collision are the most likely to be at fault for the accident. If a driver has the right of way and hits a vehicle that should have been stopped, the other driver may be at fault for the collision.

Multiple drivers can also be at fault for a t-bone accident. If two drivers have stopped at stop signs, not traffic lights, they must determine who has the right of way. Driver A and Driver B could both run their stop signs. Not paying attention to sometihng so simple is a common result of distracted driving.

In a different situation, if Driver B wasn't distracted, they might have seen Driver A and tried to swerve out of the way, colliding with someone in the process. In this case, Driver B might have partial liability for the accident.

The Vehicle Manufacturer

Imagine hitting the brakes as you approach an intersection, but nothing happens. Alternatively, you could be driving through an intersection when your car dies.

If a side-impact collision occurs as a result of a mechanical failure by the vehicle's manufacturer or its auto parts, the manufacturer may be held liable for manufacturing and selling a defective part. Now if your car is stopped because you ran out of gas, that is negligence on your part. 

Another Driver

A t-bone collision can occur when another driver makes a poor decision at an intersection.

What if you pull into an intersection to avoid being rear-ended by a distracted driver, only to t-bone another driver? You shouldn't have to bear the full brunt of someone else's inattentive driving. In situations like this, a driver who was not involved in the actual side-impact collision may bear some responsibility for the accident.

Proving Fault in Side Impact Accidents

A successful car accident claim establishes that the driver or another party was at fault. It also shows that the accident happened as a result of the driver's negligence, and the direct consequence of that accident was injuries and significant financial losses.

Accident attorneys must gather evidence from the day of the accident to prove negligence. You'll also need proof, such as medical bills and an evaluation and diagnosis from your doctor, to show that the injuries you sustained were caused by the collision. You must also show that the medical treatment you received was required for your injuries.

Accident injury victims can also claim lost wages as a form of compensation. To prove lost wages, you can submit pay stubs displaying what you would have earned and the time you missed while in recovery.

It can be difficult to prove fault in a t-bone collision, especially if the at-fault driver denies fault and blames you. That's when having experienced accident lawyers fighting their insurance company on your behalf can give you the edge you need. If you have severe injuries, such as neck injuries or a traumatic brain injury, don't try to prove your t-bone collision case on your own. Due to your lack of legal experience, you run the risk of accruing additional fault. Allow legal professionals to take care of every detail of your t-bone accident case and walk you through the legal process.

How Your Attorney Will Prove Liability

The sooner you seek legal help, the more likely you will be compensated fairly. To ensure that your legal rights are protected, your attorney will gather evidence such as witness statements and photos of vehicle damage, as well as speak with your insurance company on your behalf. Your accident attorney will conduct a thorough investigation into your case to ensure that the at-fault driver is held accountable for the harm they caused you.

When you hire an accident injury lawyer after this type of accident, you can be certain you build the strongest case possible against the at-fault motorist.


Damages Caused by a T-Bone Accident

Damages in a broadside accident are the losses associated with it. Damages can include property damage, injuries, economic and non-economic compensatory damages.

Economic damages have a clear dollar value. Things like medical bills or car repair expenses are considered economic damages.

Non-economic damages can be more challenging to assess. The most common type of non-economic damage is pain and suffering.

Compensatory damages in a t-bone collision can include:

  • Medical costs for short term and long term accident injuries

  • Future care and future medical treatment

  • Medication and medical supplies

  • Physical therapy

  • Wrongful death damages like funeral expenses

  • Vehicle repairs

  • Lost wages

  • Emotional pain and suffering

  • Lost earning capacity

  • Loss of consortium for a spouse or partner

Speak With An Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer

Every t-bone collision is unique. The only way to figure out who was at fault in the car accident is to conduct a thorough investigation and gather evidence and facts. This can be a difficult task, especially if you're dealing with some of the most common accident injuries.

It can be frightening to think about navigating the legal system. If you were in a t-bone car accident, you should contact a personal injury accident law firm that will guide you through the process.

The personal injury lawyers at Helping the Hurt will take care of the complicated legal process of determining fault and filing an accident report. This allows you to focus solely on your physical recovery.

An experienced car accident attorney at Helping the Hurt will ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Our attorneys offer free legal advice to better understand your case.

Contact our office today for a free consultation so we can get started on your compensation claim now.

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