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How To Make A Mini Zen Garden

Finding Calm In Small Spaces

Are you feeling stressed right now?

Chances are, you've got something troubling you!

It's hard to avoid stress these days. All around the world and even in our everyday lives, it seems almost impossible to find some much-needed peace and quiet.

That's why having a space that allows you to clear your head is essential for your wellbeing! It gives you a moment to reinvigorate and relax your body and mind.

While it doesn't address all your issues, it lets you confront them with a renewed mindset!

If you don't have a room or a garden to call your happy place, what you can do is make a mini zen garden.

But wait - just what is a mini zen garden, and how can they help you unwind?

To answer your questions, we've come up with a brief overview on what zen gardens are, what benefits they give, and how to make a mini zen garden of your very own!

With this, you can find inner peace when things get tough and uncontrollable.

Keep reading to find out how you can build a space for serenity - that goes right above your desk or table!

What Is A Zen Garden?

Zen gardens are rock landscape gardens that embody the essence of nature. Their origin goes back to 1,000 B.C., when they were first created at temples of Zen Buddhism.

Over time, Zen gardens have mostly been used as spaces for reflection and meditation. They are sanctuaries for people who pursue inner tranquility and harmony with nature.

Given this, most Zen gardens feature basic natural elements, namely sand or gravel and rocks. Some also have small plants and water features.

The rocks are often arranged to mimic mountains and islands, while sand patterns portray waves in the sea.

Principles of Zen Gardens

While Zen gardens are recognized for their minimalist look, there's more to them than meets the eye. Their clean, almost vacant composition stems from serious philosophical influences.

A few principles behind Zen gardens involve:

Simplicity - A Zen garden depicts nature in its truest form. The clear spaces display how simple the world is without excess objects and pretenses.

This is why it stimulates meditation and pureness of thought. It calls us to rid ourselves of mental clutter, as well as meditate on the essential meaning of our lives and the world around us.

Asymmetry - Nature is not symmetrical, so Zen garden creations are not interested in perfection. Rather, they pursue harmony and flow.

Rocks meet the sand to symbolize the asymmetrical yet balanced natural elements. This encourages us to respect the ebb and flow of life and try to achieve balance in our own living.

Stillness - The vast space and the presumed "emptiness" of a Zen garden rouses a sensation of calm, clarity, and peace of mind.

It emphasizes the notion that the less you see, the clearer you truly see. You can have a moment to breathe, be still, and be present.

Benefits of Having A Mini Zen Garden

Don't have the time, tools, or room at home to build a full-sized zen garden? Well, you can always craft mini zen gardens!

These little beauties recreate the appeal and express the ideas behind classic zen gardens. If your home or office has become a place where you feel anxious and bogged down, this is ideal for you.

Here are a few major benefits of having a mini zen garden:

Provides stress relief. It reminds you to slow down and relax. When you're stressed, you can draw patterns in the sand, rearrange the rocks, or simply delight in it. This will help reduce your stress levels instantly!

Boosts focus and creativity - The clean, appealing space of a Zen garden helps clear your head. This means you can concentrate more on your tasks and even try new solutions you hadn't thought about before!

Inspires beauty - Spruce up any space in your home! Its natural look rejuvenates you and allows you to see the world anew. In a simple way, it shows you that life is beautiful: from the big picture to its little, imperfect details.

What You'll Need For Your Mini Zen Garden

Ready to create your mini zen garden? Let's get to it!

Here are the basic items you'll need for your peaceful mini garden:

Sand - Decorative sand is available at most craft shops. If you want more vibrance, go with colored sands! Some people also use sand from seasides for an even more natural feel.

Container - Planters, plates, boxes, glass bowls, wooden boxes, and small trays all make great containers!

Plants - Air plants, succulents, and mosses are popular picks for mini zen gardens, since they don't need a lot of water. Top tip: be sure to water your plants lightly! Water the potting mix just until it gets damp.

Stones - Stones are essential for any zen garden, whether you opt for the traditional version or create your own. Go for garden stones, pebbles, and crystals!

Mini Rake - You can build a DIY mini zen garden rake or get one online! This is what you'll use to trace sand patterns.

Trinkets - Any of your favorite trinkets would be awesome for your zen garden! You can go with Zen-inspired trinkets like mini Buddhas, bridges, or lanterns or pick ones based on your personal style.

Essential Oils (optional) - Make your zen garden smell as calming as it looks with essential oils! Top tip: soothing scents include jasmine, lavender, lemon, and ylang-ylang.

Steps To Make Your Mini Zen Garden

The best thing about creating mini zen gardens is that you get to find your own zen. This means you create a landscape that embodies your personal ideas of peace and nature.

That said, here are a few basic steps you can follow to create your mini zen garden. Remember, you can change up the process depending on your materials and tastes!

Mini Zen Garden Ideas

Can't come up with a theme for your little happy place that will make you feel calm and at ease? Don't panic!

Get inspiration from these unique and relaxing mini zen garden ideas.


Keep it simple and serene with this tabletop zen garden, made with only three items.


Add more life and vigor to any space with a pleasant succulent zen garden!


In Zen philosophy, bridges represent the connection between man and nature. Use this concept with a mini garden featuring a tiny bridge!


Greens, sands, stones, and blossoms inspire beauty and serenity in this little sanctuary.


Get resourceful and eco-friendly with this DIY zen garden in a box.


Got a more fun and cool style? Go for this colorful yet relaxing mini haven!


If you find your peace in the sun, sands, and sea, make this mini zen beach for your desk!


Need easy yet unique and thrilling holiday decor? Try this winter-themed zen garden!

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