Lawrence Chapel Car Show

Lawrence Chapel Baptist Church is thrilled to be hosting our second annual car show, organized to support our beloved church. Following the tremendous success of last year's car show, we are eager to bring everyone back together once again. In addition to a captivating showcase of cars, new and old, we are also hosting vendors of all types. 

Your participation in our car show directly contributes to the vital fundraising efforts for Lawrence Chapel Baptist Church. The proceeds will go towards helping us fund an expansion of our fellowship hall. During the past few years our church has been greatly blessed with a quickly growing congregation. We have many fellowship activities throughout the year and to be able to accommodate our congregation, we are planning to build a new fellowship hall! This event is the continuation of our fundraising journey in order to make this addition possible. Every donation helps and is greatly appreciated. 

Ways you can be involved:

Help us to make this car show even more memorable than the last!