If you want people in India to create fake US/UK Accounts and then access the ibookstore then I guess thats not the best way out but the only alternative we have. There are so many books that we need to access but are unable to due to the same reason. I have an iPhone 4S and New iPad but with a very limited access to books which I aint very happy with.

I was initially on a UK market site while I was in the UK. I had books on my iBooks and since I came back to mumbai I changed my store for obvious reasons. And now all my books are gone! :( even the ones I had purchased. I'm so disappointed!!

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You are talking to fellow users here, these forums are not monitored by Apple (there are too many forums, threads, messages for that to happen). As to there only being free books, Apple can only sell what the book distributors/copyright holders grant them licenses to sell in a particular country (and there only being free books doesn't just apply to India). Do you have access to other ebook apps/stores that you can use instead ?

India is the heartland of so many world religions. There is no area with such a wealth of spiritual wisdom, and you can enjoy all of the knowledge these sages have discovered through our Indian philosophy books and spiritual works. These teach us about the meaning of life, the real nature of the universe, how we can connect to our ancestors, as well as impart valuable lessons that will put us on the right path.

Our Indian religious books include bhajan, devotional songs that express spiritual ideas and lessons. We also have classic works, like the incomparable Vedas. The four Vedas are the foundation of Hindu spirituality, and they are a must-read for the seeker looking to understand the world. We also have elegant editions of the Upanishads, which are philosophical texts, and the Bhagavad Gita, perhaps the most profound treatise on life and dharma.

The mythology of India covers a great many cultures that have left behind massive literature. Our mythological books impart stories that teach us about the nature of the gods themselves, but they also teach us about our own ways of being. And when we read mythology, we take in stories that have been passed down since time immemorial, bringing us close to people who lived in ancient times.

No book collection is complete without the epics of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. These are the basis of storytelling in India, and they have been enjoyed by people since the earliest days of writing. We also have books that tell regional folk tales. This includes stories from all the many cultures that make India what it is today. These stories teach us life lessons, and they also teach us about the people who created them.

You can also find works on yoga, an artform that promises to bring us to enlightenment. These vital sciences are as relevant today as ever before. If we continue to learn what they have to teach us, we will be well suited to take on the challenges of the future.

I bought 8 books that were clearly counterfeit. I reported the seller to eBay. This particular account looked a little fishy, with their location in Jamaica New York, but if you go to their storefront, they are actually in India. I bought other books from the same seller but under a different account. I'm sure they are related, with very similar account names, same New York/India locations. Had issues with that order as well. After I reported them to eBay I randomly came across a 3rd account! Same deal with New York/India, only this account has many more reviews and looks established at a quick glance. 97% positive reviews, but if you go to their negative reviews, there are dozens of negative reviews saying they are selling counterfeit books! I don't understand why eBay isn't removing their seller's account? With that many counterfeit claims, I'm sure they are getting reports. And of course their storefront has the eBay seal of approval, "one of eBay's most reputable sellers" ...so misleading!

*Data extrapolated on comparing my weekly ranking on Amazon with books sold over 12 weeks, qualitative interviews with sales teams at the Top 3 publishing houses, and a few authentic secondary research articles like these.

Books by the Nobel prize-winning Indian author Rabindranath Tagore have been recommended many times on Five Books, as have books about India by another Nobel Prize winner, V.S. Naipaul. Indian writers who have been frequently recommended include Amitav Ghosh.

Whether we're thinking about democracy versus authoritarianism, corruption versus good governance, or rich versus poor, there is a lot we can learn from India's recent history, says Dinyar Patel, a historian at SPJIMR in Mumbai. He talks us through some good books on the modern history of a country that has long been the world's largest democracy and is now its most populous country.

Whether we're thinking about democracy versus authoritarianism, corruption versus good governance, or rich versus poor, there is a lot we can learn from India's recent history, says Dinyar Patel, a historian at SPJIMR in Mumbai. He talks us through some good books on the modern history of a country that has long been the world's largest democracy and is now its most populous country.

Like all great books, India's best novels are worth reading not just because of what they show about India, but what they reveal about the human condition. Here Radhika Jha, author of four critically acclaimed books, talks us through five important Indian novels and novelists and explains why it's so important that fiction isn't just about personal experience.

As the world's biggest democracy, India could be an inspiring example of how a multiethnic, multilingual country with many different religions can come together to form a vibrant state with equality enshrined in its constitution. But all that is in danger of going down the drain, as the country transforms into a brutally exclusionary Hindu-supremacist state under the leadership of Narendra Modi, says Kapil Komireddi, essayist and author of Malevolent Republic: A Short History of the New India. Here, he talks us through how the country got to where it is now and recommends five books that present a "comprehensive picture" of contemporary India.

Gandhi's peaceful resistance to British rule changed India and inspired freedom movements around the globe. But as well as being an inspiring leader, Gandhi was also a human being. Ramachandra Guha, author of a new two-part biography of Gandhi, introduces us to books that give a fuller picture of the man who came to be known as 'Mahatma' Gandhi.

The Mughals ruled the Indian subcontinent for three centuries, a multicultural empire that brought together an extraordinary mix of Mongol, Islamic, Persian and Indian practices, religious beliefs and philosophies. Here, historian Richard M. Eaton, a professor at the University of Arizona, chooses some of the best scholarly works on the Mughals that shed new light on how the empire functioned.

The Mughals ruled the Indian subcontinent for three centuries, a multicultural empire that brought together an extraordinary mix of Mongol, Islamic, Persian and Indian practices, religious beliefs and philosophies. Here, historian Richard M. Eaton, a professor at the University of Arizona, chooses some of the best scholarly works on the Mughals that shed new light on how the empire functioned.

It's one of the most densely populated, vibrant cities in the world, combining enormous wealth with dire poverty. It's India's financial and commercial capital, home to the glamour of Bollywood and the movie industry, but it has somehow managed to defy modernization. Saumya Roy, journalist, author and co-founder of a nonprofit that made loans to the city's poorest entrepreneurs, recommends her favourite books on Mumbai (aka Bombay).

The writer and translator Jenny Bhatt selects five key works of South Asian literature, all historical novels available in English translation, that showcase the richness and diversity of the region's lesser known languages: from a modernist classic decrying the depradations of the coal mining industry to a 'loose, baggy monster' of a Victorian novel exploring utopian ideals.

Kaushik Basu, Professor of Economics at Cornell and former Chief Economist of the World Bank (2012-2016), says there's a Gandhian way of evaluating society that takes account of both growth and inequality, and tells us why his job is an anthropologist's dream come true. He picks the best books to understand India's economy.

India has a thriving literary community working in 22 official languages plus English, says Rana Dasgupta, the literary director of the JCB Prize: a major award for the best new novel by an Indian author. Here, he talks us through their 2019 shortlist.

India has a thriving literary community working in 22 official languages plus English, says Rana Dasgupta, the literary director of the JCB Prize: a major award for the best new novel by an Indian author. Here, he talks us through their 2019 shortlist.

My writing process begins with making a list of ideas and topics that might resonate with children. I carry around a notebook and detail my daily observations. I also have gained a deeper understanding regarding what may resonate with children. I have read my books to thousands of children at many schools around the world. Indeed, they are my teachers as I study what characters they enjoy and develop insights as to what may entertain them.

This section lists books that have been legally challenged to impose a ban or to exclude from a syllabus. Some books listed here are unavailable or were unavailable for some time in India or parts of it, due to pending court decisions or voluntary withdrawal by the publishers.

Shantaram and Eat, Pray, Love are two of the most popular books about India, but they are not among my favourites. In fact, I tried to read Shantaram when I was living in Delhi, but ended up literally throwing it across the room after I was about three-quarters of the way through. I thought it was poorly written and more about the fevered imagination of its writer than about India. In fact, it offers very little insight into India, if you ask me; and the longer I spend in India getting to know it, the more true this statement becomes. 152ee80cbc

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