Terms & Conditions

The Terms and conditions of booking are as follows:

  • Booking:

    • When booking fill out every question on the survey. (This allows me to further contact you about your style and what you need from me)

    • After booking if you can't make your appointment let me know so we can either move the date or if you just don't want me to do your hair feel free to say that.

  • Deposit:

    • A 25 dollar deposit is required for your style, it is non refundable .

    • Once I have contacted you back and agreed upon a date and time for your appointment your deposit is due that same day.

    • If the deposit is not paid by 11:59 pm the same day you no longer have an appointment.

    • If you needed to pay your deposit in cash let me know.

    • Payment:

      • Your deposit goes towards your style, with that being said when your style is complete the remaining balance is due.

      • If you need to pay in increments , when discussing the date of your appointment we will figure out what price can you pay on the weekly basis until the total cost of the style has been covered.

      • After the cost of the style has been covered I will do your hair.

    • Appointment day:

      • Be aware I do not have a shop, with that being said if you live in New Orleans and the style you want requires me to do it on your head I will need to come to you.

      • Have your hair already washed please. (I am allowed to deny you service if your hair isn't clean.)

      • If there are specific hair styling products that you use on your hair that you feel works for your hair, bring them so I can use them on your hair ( everything does not work for everybody so I would rather use what you already know works for you.)

      • Be vocal

      • If i give you some advice on your hair or the upkeep of your hair heed the advice.

      • Have the remaining balance of your style ready