The Surrealist Experience of Body Dysmorphia

For my final college project, I examined surrealist artists and their portrayals of the body and surrealist worlds. This allowed me to think on how could I visualise my experience with body dysmorphia using makeup and prosthetics.

Photographer @rcphotography0305

From a young age I experienced issues with self-image and body confidence. I was a chubby kid, bullied about my weight by other kids and generally picked on for my appearance in my teens.

When I was 15 (2014), I develop unhealthy eating patterns because of the years of hating my own body.

Over the years, my eating disorders presented as Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating and ARFID (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) but mainly Anorexia. 2015-2017 was the worst of my eating disorders.

My experiences with body dysmorphia have led me to hold unrealistic standards for myself. Haunted by thoughts of my own body not being how I see it to be, eating disorders and living in a society where body modifications and surgery are possible, my self-image has fluctuated over the years. 

I imagined my distorted self-image into reality using prosthetics, creating this surreal character and her world. I made silicone brow prosthetic, nose and lip prosthetic and 2 part stomach prosthetic, one gelatin and one silicone. 

I designed the world and costume. Costume made by @vomaxdesign and myself. 

Silicone Stomach Prosthetic

I would love to see this piece filmed or performed live. A performance of cutting away flesh, pulling at the skin, stretching would be amazing and truly representative of the feeling of hatred towards your body. 

Collage mood board, Surrealism and Body Dysmorphia

Sketching out my idea

Final Design drawings