Lava Bear News


  • Mr. BSH!!! Thursday, April 5 in the auditorium from 6-9 pm. The cost is $5 and all proceeds benefit our Sparrow, Stryder!
  • Academic Week has changed - April 16-20 Stay tuned for upcoming events related to this week.
  • PROM! Friday, April 13 @ the Riverhouse Convention Center - $20 with ASB, $25 without and $30 if you pay at the door. Guest passes required by April 10.
  • Don't forget!! If you'd like to have a photo featured in the newsletter or the yearbook, send it our way!

Photo Credit: Noah Hensley

Brady Petz

Grade 11

Age 16

SPORTS Features!

By Angie Vasquez-Manzo

Brady Petz is a junior here at Bend High. He is a varsity athlete for track and field. He says track helps him "become a better athlete and develop good team building skills because it is an individual sport and also it's kinda not." Brady also flies planes almost every day after school with his dad. Brady loves creating these memories and knows they'll help him develop skills for the future.

Jayda Crawford is a tennis player that is always striving to accomplish her goals. "Tennis to me is being a part of a group of friends and not just a team. It's helped me (become) more outgoing and talk to more people which helps me feel more connected to the people at school." Additionally, Jayda helps kids that have disabilities both in and outside of school. Go, Jayda!

Jayda Crawford

Grade 10

Age 15

RAK Club

CLUB Features!

By Angie Vasquez-Manzo

Random Acts Of Kindness Club is a club that helps all kids at school feel that they are welcome and loved. For Easter, Kindness Club put eggs all around the school so if students find one, they are able to get a treat and have some fun. They also have a box in the commons where students can submit notes about people they see are feeling down or struggling. RAK then does something special for those students to give them a little boost. "(Random Acts of Kindness Club) is a great club and has helped me find a place I can be myself and also help others around me." Aine Hoban

Femme Club helps with Femme International, which is an organization that provides girls that are less fortunate with feminine hygeine products so that they can attend school regularly. They also raise money for a lot different organizations to help them reach their goals. Femme Club is a great club to join. Sawyer Roemheld-Nicklaw says, "I started appreciating the little things I have, and the efforts people put in for me all the time." Joining a club at school can open your eyes to what's going on in the world outside of Bend High and work toward the greater good.

Femme Club