In The News
"GOP didn't unite to ban gay marriage the way it did to ban abortion," with Elissa Asch. Why is gay marriage ok with many Republicans when abortion is not? Check out this piece to see who gets married and who needs an abortion in the Boston Globe
Bachelorette Parties in Ptown Destroy LGBTQ+ Spaces. Straight women taking over queer spaces is a kind of gentrification, even a hetrification, with Vincent Jones II and I argue in this piece in the Boston Globe.
Talking about Hetrification with Alex Reimer on Out Sports
Tax the Rich (Universities)! If we taxed the tax free endowments of America's richest universities, we could pay for free higher education for all!
On Being Karen- or why I didn't call the cops that night
On thinking about labor in higher ed with my AAUP colleague Jamie McCallum
Radio interview with Tom Sumner