I was unable to make Chrome and Firefox restore my bookmarks from the Bookmarks or Bookmarks.bak json files.But I found this really helpful online tool to convert those json files to an HTML file that you can then just import via the top-right corner in the chrome://bookmarks/ screen:

@in2217 Hey I was stuck on this problem for days and your replace function method helped me get past that problem although the email body in html that I am converting to JSON for the http post request to work is not being formatted correctly once displayed in Outlook. Wondering if you ran into similar issue and had found any solution?

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Like all spreadsheets in Excel, JSON imports are subject to Excel's row limits. Excel's maximum row limit is 1,048,576, and columns are limited to 16,384. If your JSON file is large, say more than a few megabytes, it's likely that Excel will crash. JSON is an ideal format for larger data sets that have a hierarchical structured relationship, but this structure also makes it more difficult to work with in Excel. If you're looking to get around Excel's max row limit, read ahead to learn how to convert JSON to Excel compatible formats online.

JSON and CSV are both widely used for storing and exchanging data. They are very different in structure (JSON is structured as a tree and CSV is structured as a table). But you can easily convert JSON to CSV with Easy Data Transform:

native_spans causes HTML span elements to be parsed as native pandoc Span inlines. If you want them to be parsed as raw HTML, use -f html-native_spans+raw_html. If you want to drop all divs and spans when converting HTML to Markdown, you can use pandoc -f html-native_divs-native_spans -t markdown.

pandoc -t chunkedhtml will produce a zip archive of linked HTML files, one for each section of the original document. Internal links will automatically be adjusted to point to the right place, images linked to under the working directory will be incorporated, and navigation links will be added. In addition, a JSON file sitemap.json will be included describing the hierarchical structure of the files.

This means that you have to create the (nested) JSON-structure natively in Power Query and transform that using the function. This will convert booleans correctly, meaning keep them as a proper boolean in JSON.

In addition to the default configuration file, Tauri can read a platform-specific configuration from tauri.linux.conf.json, tauri.windows.conf.json, and tauri.macos.conf.json (or Tauri.linux.toml, Tauri.windows.toml and Tauri.macos.toml if the Tauri.toml format is used), which gets merged with the main configuration object.

Optimized storage format. JSON documents stored in JSON columns are converted to an internal format that permits quick read access to document elements. When the server later must read a JSON value stored in this binary format, the value need not be parsed from a text representation. The binary format is structured to enable the server to look up subobjects or nested values directly by key or array index without reading all values before or after them in the document.

To support this most dynamic of scenarios, we have introduced a new type called untyped object. It is, in effect, a wrapper for a value or object that can be converted to a concrete Power Fx type at the time the app runs. When authoring the app, makers can use the untyped object to write formulas that make assumptions about the nature of the actual object or value when a user will use the app. This does mean the maker has some knowledge about the incoming data and its structure, as this metadata is not available during authoring and the untyped object cannot provide any help (such as IntelliSense). Untyped objects can contain values (numbers, text, Boolean, dates, etc.), records and tables. To use any underlying values of untyped objects, they have to be cast explicitly to their respective Power Fx types using the type construction functions such as Boolean (a new function), Text, Value, DateTimeValue, etc.

The NXLog configuration below uses the im_file input module to collect JSON log lines from file.Log records are parsed into structured data using the parse_json() procedure.If the log record has a severity equal to NOTICE, it is changed to INFO.Core fields that are not required are deleted and the log record is converted back to JSON using the to_json() procedure.

The jsonInput variable holds the JSON content as a multiline string. Therefore, we had to convert it to a bytes slice before passing it to the Unmarshal function with the byte[]() type conversion syntax. Here, we checked the value of the returned error object to detect parsing errors.

In 5.x versions of nbconvert the default output format was html. In 6.0 the default was removed,requiring CLI calls to explicitly set a --to argument in order to execute. To mimic original5.x behavior one should add --to=html to the jupyter nbconvert command.

I am just wondering if its possible to convert json offers to html via rendering it via email channel. The reason why i want to do that is because its easy for the source system to generate json offers and send it to AJO. However before sending these offers via email we have to convert it to html for displaying on email.

Hi @Ivan_Mironchuk - We want to render the offer on a email channel. Currently the source system is only able to send json offers to AJO via the API. Before rendering those offers on an email we need to convert that to a HTML. Styling and the structure of html needs to be handled within AJO itself, for example using helper functions to add inline css to the html. 589ccfa754

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