Chemo-mechanical couplings in batteries

Effect of stress on the diffusion of lithium in silicon

With a theoretical capacity ten times larger than that of graphite, silicon as a material for negative electrodes brings promises of increasing the capacity of lithium-ion batteries. However, the use of silicon raises several challenges due to the large volume change, stresses and mechanical disintegration that silicon experiences during lithiation. Mechanics is involved in the lithiation of silicon in two ways: i) insertion of lithium in silicon leads to diffusion-induced stresses, ii) the resulting state of stress of silicon affects the lithiation reaction essentially through a contribution of stress to the chemical potential of lithium. In this work, we develop a combined experimental/theoretical approach to characterize the effect of stress on lithiation. First, we conduct an experimental study of the effect of stress on the lithiation of amorphous silicon by modifying, through an external mechanical loading, the stress state of silicon thin-film electrodes during lithiation/delithiatio. Second, we develop a theoretical model of the effect of stress on lithiation in the setting of large strain elasto-plasticity, for both the monophasic and biphasic lithiation, with the objective to forge a fundamental understanding of the experimental results.

(a) Experimental setup to apply a uniaxial mechanical load on a-Si:H during lithiation, (b) Voltage profile of the first two lithiations during which a sequence of mechanical load is applied, (c) Zoom on the voltage evolution when applying a 400s long uniaxial strain plateau – the grey curve is the as-measured potential, the red curve shows the potential corrected from its drift due to the change in lithium concentration.