Lauren's Research Journey

About Me

My name is Lauren Radicchi and I'm a senior in Pawling High School's Science Research Program, a three year course in which a student conducts research on any scientific topic of their choosing. Even before I entered the Science Research Program, I knew I wanted to study psychology and cognitive science. After reading many peer-reviewed journal articles, I realized I was very interested in sleep studies, as well as the causes of abnormal sleep. After investigating this topic area, I decided to explore how technology use before sleep impacts memory in adolescents, something which there is very little research about to date. In order to do this, I set out to test adolescents using similar adult testing methods in order to see how the use of technology with a screen interface impacts sleep and memory. I'm currently analyzing the data I collected using the Oura rings that I purchased as a quantitative sleep measurement, and the sleep diaries I used to see how participants were subjectively effected by technology restraints. Over the course of my four years at Pawling High School I have taken on a rigorous course load, including 8 AP and honors courses. I have also taken part in many clubs, including Literary Society, Mock Trial, Debate Club, the Thespian Society, Peer Leadership, and Chess Club. In my free time I write for the local newspaper, the Pawling Record, about events in my community.

Copy of Resume Final Draft.pdf


  • What achievements are you proud of?


  • What are some of your strengths?


  • What skills are you working on?