By a continued train of victories the Portuguese had the honour to drivethe Moors from Europe. The invasions of European soil by these peoplewere now requited by successful expeditions into Africa. Such was themanly spirit of these ages, that the statutes of Lamego receivedadditional articles in favour of liberty, a convincing proof that thegeneral heroism of a people depends upon the principles of freedom.Alonzo IV.,[38] though not an amiable character, was perhaps thegreatest warrior, politician, and monarch of his age. After a reign ofmilitary splendour, he left his throne to his son Pedro, surnamed theJust. Ideas of equity and literature were now diffused by this greatprince,[39] who was himself a polite scholar, and a most accomplishedgentleman. Portugal began to perceive the advantages of cultivatedtalents, and to feel its superiority over the barbarous politics of theignorant Moors. The great Pedro, however, was succeeded by a weakprince, and the heroic spirit of the Portuguese seemed to exist no moreunder his son Fernando, surnamed the Careless.

Description of the pictures, given by Paulus. The heroes ofPortugal, from Lusus, one of the companions of Bacchus (who gavehis name to Portugal), and Ulysses, the founder of Lisbon, down toDon Pedro and Don Henrique (Henry), the conquerors of Ceuta, areall represented in the portraits of Gama, and are characterized byappropriate verses. Meanwhile the zamorim has recourse to theoracles of his false gods, who make him acquainted with the futuredominion of the Portuguese over India, and the consequent ruin ofhis empire. The Mohammedan Arabs conspire against the Portuguese.The zamorim questions the truth of Gama's statement, and chargeshim with being captain of a band of pirates. Gama is obliged togive up to the Indians the whole of his merchandise as ransom, whenhe obtains permission to re-embark. He seizes several merchants ofCalicut, whom he detains on board his ship as hostages for his twofactors, who were on land to sell his merchandise. He afterwardsliberates the natives, whom he exchanges for his two companions. InMickle's translation this portion of the original is omitted, andthe factors are released in consequence of a victory gained byGama.

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Sergorn Dragon has posted the July update on the progress that has been going on at Return to the Serpent Isle. They have recruited a professional composer, and report progress on several areas, including: spells, skills, inventory, injury, death and resurrection, currencies, guards and prison, overland map, and character creation questions. Death and resurrection, currencies, and spellbook systems have also been released on NWVault. That's a lot of work, so good job, Sergorn and the rest of the team! Any 2D/3D artists who are willing and able to help out in this project are encouraged to apply, as the Return team is in dire need of human resources in the art department.

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