Selected Publications

Areal, F.J.; Riesgo, L. EU inspections of GM content in food and feed: Are they effective? Agriculture 11(9): 842, 2021.

Garzón Delvaux, P.A.; Riesgo, L.; Gomez y Paloma, S. Are small farms more performant than larger ones in developing countries?. Science Advances 6(41): eabb8235, 2020.

Borrego-Marín, M.M.; Riesgo, L. Measuring the Sustainability of Water Plans in Inter-Regional Spanish River Basins. Water 8: 342, 2016.

Gómez-Limón, J.A., Gutierrez-Martín, C., Riesgo, L. Modeling at farm level: Positive Multi-Attribute Utility Programming. Omega, International Journal of Management Science 65: 17-27, 2016.

Palomo-Hierro, S., Gómez-Limón, J.A., Riesgo, L. Water markets in Spain: Performance and Challenges. Water 7: 652-678, 2015.

Areal, F.J., Riesgo, L. Probability functions to build composite indicators: A methodology to measure environmental impacts of genetically modified crops. Ecological Indicators, 52: 498-516, 2015.

Areal, F.J., Riesgo, L. Farmers’ views on the future of olive farming in Andalusia, Spain. Land Use Policy 36: 543-553, 2014.

Marceau, A.; Gustafson, D.I.; Brants, I.O.; Leprince, F.; Foueillassar, X.; Riesgo, L.; Areal, F.J.; Sowa, S.; Kraic, J.; Badea, E.M. Updated empirical model of genetically-modified maize grain production practices to achieve European Union labeling thresholds. Crop Science 53: 1712-1721, 2013.

Areal, F.J.; Riesgo, L.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. Economic and Agronomic Impact of commercialised GM crops: a meta-analysis. Journal of Agricultural Science 151: 7-33, 2013.

Riesgo, L.; Areal, F.J.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. How can specific market demand for non-GM maize affect the profitability of Bt maize and conventional? A case study for the middle Ebro Valley, Spain. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 10(4): 867-876, 2012.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Sustainability assessment of olive groves in Andalusia: A methodological proposal. New Medit (Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment) 11(2): 39-49, 2012.

Areal, F.J.; Riesgo, L.; Gómez-Barbero, M.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. Consequences of a coexistence policy on the adoption of GMHT crops in the European Union. Food Policy 37: 401-411, 2012.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Agriculture and Economics in the Water Framework Directive: Progress and Limitations. Water Policy 14: 31-44, 2012.

Areal, F.J.; Riesgo, L.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. Attitudes of European farmers towards GM crop adoption. Plant Biotechnology Journal 9: 945-957, 2011.

Riesgo, L.; Areal, F.J.; Sanvido, O.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. Distances needed to limit cross-fertilization between GM and conventional maize in Europe. Nature Biotechnology 28: 780-782, 2010.

André, F.J.; Herrero, I.; Riesgo, L. A modified DEA model to estimate the importance of objectives with an application to agricultural economics. Omega, International Journal of Management Science 38: 371-382, 2010.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Alternative approaches to the construction of a composite indicator of agricultural sustainability: An application to irrigated agriculture in the Duero basin in Spain. Journal of Environmental Management 90: 3345-3362, 2009.

André, F.J.; Riesgo, L. A Non-Interactive Elicitation Method for Non-Linear Multiattribute Utility Functions. Theory and Application to Agricultural Economics. European Journal of Operational Research 181: 793-807, 2007.

Riesgo, L.; Gómez-Limón, J.A. Multi-Criteria Policy Scenario Analysis for Public Regulation of Irrigated Agriculture. Agricultural Systems 91: 1-28, 2006.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Irrigation Water Pricing. Differential Impacts on Irrigated Farms. Agricultural Economics 31: 47- 66, 2004.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L.; Arriaza, M. Multi-Criteria Analysis of Input Use in Agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Economics 55: 541-564, 2004.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Water Pricing. Analysis of Different Impacts on Heterogeneous Farmers. Water Resources Research 40: 1-13, 2004.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Arriaza, M.; Riesgo, L. An MCDM Analysis of Agricultural Risk Aversion. European Journal of Operational Research 151: 569-585, 2003.


Gomez y Paloma, S.; Riesgo, L.; Louhichi, K. The role of smallholder farms in food and nutrition security. Springer, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-42147-2.

Garzón Delvaux, P.A.; Riesgo, L.; Gomez y Paloma, S., Farm size-performance relationship: A review, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN: 978-92-76-26822-2.

Garzón Delvaux, P.A.; Riesgo, L.; Gomez y Paloma, S., Sustainable agricultural practices in Sub-Saharan Africa and their adoption, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020. ISBN: 978-92-76-20014-7.

Riesgo, L.; Louhichi, K.; Gomez y Paloma, S; Hazell, P.; Ricker-Gilbert, J.; Wiggins, S.; Sahn, D.; Mishra, A. Food and nutrition security and role of smallholder farms: challenges and opportunities. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2016. ISBN: 978-92-79-58016-1.

Book Chapters

Micale, F.; Gomez y Paloma, S.; Caivano, C.; Colen, L.; Garzon Delvaux, P. A.; Gorrin Gonzalez, C. J.; Martinsohn, J.; M’barek, R.; Rembold, F.; Proietti, I.; Solano Hermosilla, G.; Druon, J.-N.; Riesgo, L. Chapter 12. Agriculture and fisheries European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Science for the AU-EU Partnership: building knowledge for sustainable development, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018. ISBN 978-92-79-86961-7,

Co-author (2018) Countries factsheets 2017: Food and nutrition security.

Borrego-Marín, M.M.; Riesgo, L.; Berbel, J. Methodology and Criteria for the Allocation of Reused Water in Agriculture. In J. Berbel, T. Bournaris, B. Manos, N. Matsatsinis, D. Viaggi (eds) Multicriteria Analysis in Agriculture. Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Springer, 2018. ISBN: 978-3-319-76928-8.

Riesgo, L.; Gallego-Ayala, J. Multicriteria analysis of olive farms sustainability. An application of TOPSIS models. In L.M. Plá-Aragonés (ed.) Handbook of Operational Research in Agriculture and the Agri-Food Industry. International Series in Operations Research and Management Science. Springer, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-4939-2482-0.

Riesgo, L.; Areal, F.J. Cultivos modificados genéticamente y Sostenibilidad Agraria. In J.A. Gómez-Limón, E. Reig (eds.) La Sostenibilidad de la Agricultura Española. Almería, Fundación Cajamar, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-95531-56-8.

Gómez-Limón, José A.; Riesgo, L. A Composite Indicator to Measure Agricultural Sustainability. In Information Resources Management Association (ed.): Green Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. IGI Global, 2011: 597-623. ISBN: 9781609604721. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-60960-472-1.ch401

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. A composite indicator to measure agricultural sustainability. In Decision Support Systems in Agriculture, Food and the Environment: Trends, Applications and Advances. IGI Global, 2010: 219-245. ISBN13: 978-16-15208-81-4.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Efectos de la PAC en la Demanda de Agua para Regadíos: el Caso de la Cuenca del Duero. In P. Campos, J.M. Casado y J. Maestu (eds.) Hacia las Cuentas Económicas del Agua en España. Madrid, Consejo General de Colegios de Economistas de España, 2006. ISBN: 84-932091-7-1.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Multi-criteria policy scenarios analysis for public management of irrigated agriculture. In Modelling Agricultural Policies: state of the art and new challenges. Monte Universitá Parma Editore, 2005: 351-374. ISBN: 88-7847-051-1.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. The Case of the River Duero Basin (España). In: J. Berbel and C. Gutierrez (eds.). In Sustainability of European Irrigated Agriculture under Water Framework Directive. Brussels, European Communities, 2004: 89-111. ISBN: 92-894-8005-X.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Mercado del Agua. Análisis de las Opciones Elegidas para su Aplicación en España (Water markets: an analysis of their implementation in España). In Federación Nacional de Comunidades de Regantes (eds.) Seminario Internacional sobre “La Agricultura de Regadío Europea y la Directiva Marco de Aguas”. Madrid, Federación Nacional de Comunidades de Regantes, 2003.

Other Publications

Areal, F.J.; Riesgo, L.; Rodríguez-Cerezo, E. GM crops, developing countries and food security. World Agriculture 3(2): 19-22, 2013.

Gómez-Limón, J.A.; Riesgo, L. Análisis de Escenarios de Políticas para la Gestión Pública de la Agricultura de Regadío. Revista de Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales 5: 81-114, 2005.

Riesgo, L.; Gómez-Limón, J.A. Políticas de Tarificación y Ahorro de Agua en el Regadío. Análisis de su Aplicación Conjunta. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros 197: 63-104, 2002.