
Working papers

 NEW! Peer Effects in Prison (joint with Julian Johnsen (UiB)).

Unemployment Insurance Eligibility and Employment Duration (joint with C. Brébion and S. Briole)

Revise and Resubmit, Review of Economic Studies 

Media coverage:  Le Monde

Choosing Unemployment Benefits: the Role of Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard

This paper previously circulated under the title "Generosity versus Duration Trade-Off and the Optimization Ability of the Unemployed"

Unemployment Insurance and New Forms of Work, joint with Daphné Skandalis, chapter forthcoming in the Handbook of Labour Markets in Transition, Edward Elgar

The Unintended Consequences of Easing Access to Unemployment Insurance (joint with C. Brébion and S. Briole). New draft coming soon!


Mental Health Consequences of Correctional Sentencing (Joint with M. Bhuller and K. Løken)

Forthcoming at the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 

Unemployment Benefits and Redundancies: Incidence and Timing Effects. Journal of Public Economics, Volume 226, October 2023.

Selected ongoing research

Big-box Stores, Local Employment and City Shape (joint with P. Brandily (CEP, LSE))

The Gendered Effect of Working from Home (joint with Youssef Souidi (University Paris Dauphine-PSL))

The Multidimensional Impact of Social Insurances (joint with Eirik Berger (NHH) and Kjell Salvanes (NHH))

Explaining the rise in Fascism: evidence from the Nasjonal Samling party in Norway  (joint with Eirik Berger (NHH), Tom Meling (Ohio State University) and Kjell Salvanes (NHH))

Media and Policy reports