
Current Teaching

Introduction to Finance - 1st year BSc, University of York (2023/24)

Econometrics for Research – PhD, University of York (2015-24)

Past Teaching

Financial Economics and Capital Markets – 2nd year BSc, University of York (2012-23)

Asset Pricing – PhD, University of York (2015-22)

Econometrics I & II – MSc, University of York (2015-18)

Financial and Time Series Econometrics - 3rd year BSc, University of York (2016/17)

Applied Macroeconometrics – MSc, University of Manchester (2011–12)

Further Econometrics – MSc, University of Manchester (2009–12)

Time Series Econometrics – 3rd year BSc, University of Manchester (2009–12)

Financial Econometrics – 3rd year BSc, University of Manchester (2010–12)

Introductory Statistics – 1st year BSc, University of Manchester (2009–10)      

Econometrics – MSc, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Teaching Assistant (2006–09)