

"State formation, social unrest and cultural distance: Brigandage in post-unification Italy" (with G. Lecce and T. Orlando),
Journal of Economic Growth, 2022, pp 1-31. (Voxeu)

"Birth and Migration of Scientists: Does Religiosity Matter? Evidence from 19th-Century France" (with G. Lecce and M. P. Squicciarini),
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 187, 2021, pp 274-289, (Working paper version).

"Institutional Transplant and Cultural Proximity: Insights from Nineteenth-Century Prussia" (with G. Lecce), The Journal of Economic History, 79(4), 1060-1093.

"Globalization and Mental Distress" (with I. Colantone and R. Crinò), Journal of International Economics, 2019, 119 (July), pp: 181-207

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"Financial Imperfections, Product Quality, and International Trade" (with R. Crinò), Journal of International Economics, 2017, 104(1), pp. 63-84

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Ongoing Research Projects

Trade , Fertility and the Task Composition of Employment

Violence and the Voting Behavior of the Elites: Evidence from 19th-Century Italy (with G. Lecce)

Riders on the Storm: Management Practices in Times of Climate Change (with A. Ariu and G. d'Adda)

Turmoil After Death: Leadership, Protests and Growth (with G. Lecce and T. Nannicini)

Power Wars: an Empirical Investigation of the Mismatch of Power (With M. Morelli and L. Hong)