About Me

Who I am...

My name is Laura Alvarez Pineda and I was born in Mexico and raised in Napa, California. I expect to graduate Dominican University in December of 2024 with a major in Nursing and a double minor in Spanish and Psychology.  My dream is to become a registered nurse and give back to communities. 

I was born in Jalisco, Mexico. My parents brought my sister and I at a young age in hopes of giving us the opportunities they never had, that being attending a college and making our dreams come true. 

Why Dominican University

I chose to attend Dominican University because of the great Nursing program that is offered and  the small classes that allow for more of a one on one focus. Dominican University also allows for me to visit my family back in Napa often as it is a short 45 minute drive. On top of that, Dominican has a very beautiful campus full of scenery that I was drawn to. 

My Dominican Experience

My Dominican Experience so far has been excellent and I am looking forward to see how much it grows. I have become more involved on campus by joining a couple extracurriculars in addition to academics.

Peer Mentor

As a peer mentor I look forward to connecting with my mentees and making the transition into college is as easy and smooth as possible for them. 


Honors Program

I am happy to be a part of the honors program as it pushes me to try my best and keep a GPA of 3.5 or higher.


Campus Ministry

I am a member of the Siena Leadership Team and vice-president of the Penguins Ideals Club. Along with my beautiful team, we lead and organize events exploring the four penguin ideals and our beliefs. 


My beautiful family in 2022 

The Future

As a first generation student, I would like to serve as a role model for my younger sister and any other first generation students. I hope to accomplish all my goals as well as to learn more about myself and others. I am excited to see how much I grow and learn through my Dominican experience.