Nishi Trishna (1989), directed by Parimal Bhattacharya was the first Bengali vampire movie, starring Shekhar Chatterjee, Prasenjit Chatterjee and Moon Moon Sen.[61] In this movie, some friends plan to visit the infamous Garchampa Palace which had a bad reputation for demonic blood-sucking beings that were terrorising the locality. They ultimately solve the mystery, and kill the vampire and his mentor.

Although East Pakistan had a larger population, West Pakistan dominated the divided country politically and received more money from the common budget. According to the World Bank, there was much economic discrimination against East Pakistan, including higher government spending on West Pakistan, financial transfers from East to West, and the use of the East's foreign exchange surpluses to finance the West's imports.

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Bangladesh Bank maintains the foreign exchange reserve of the country in different currencies to minimize the risk emerging from widespread fluctuation in exchange rate of major currencies and very irregular movement in interest rates in the global money market. BB has established Nostro account arrangements with different Central Banks. Funds accumulated in these accounts are invested in Treasury bills, repos and other government papers in the respective currencies. It also makes investment in the form of short term deposits with different high rated and reputed commercial banks and purchase of high rated sovereign/supranational/corporate bonds. A separate department of BB performs the operational functions regarding investment which is guided by investment policy set by the BB's Investment Committee headed by a Deputy Governor. The underlying principle of the investment policy is to ensure the optimum return on investment with minimum market risk.



 The same duty as a Bottomry Bond (No. 16) for the whole amount paid, payable or deliverable under such lease. 

 The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration equal to twice the amount or value of the average annual rent reserved. 

 The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration equal to three times the amount or value of the average annual rent reserved. 

 The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) on the market value of the property which is the subject-matter of the lease. 

 The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration equal to the amount or the value of such fine or premium or money advanced, or security charges advanced, as set forth in the lease. 

 The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) on the market value of the property which is the subject matter of the Lease. 

 The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration equal to the amount or value of such fine or premium or advance as set forth in such lease, in addition to the duty which would have been payable on such lease, if no fine or premium or advance had been paid or delivered. 

 The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) on the market value of the property which is the subject-matter of the lease; or an aggregate of Stamp duties as a conveyance (No. 23) on rent (three times of the average annual rent) and premium or money advanced or security charges advanced, whichever is higher: 

 Provided that in any case, when an agreement for a lease is stamped or a lease in pursuance of such agreement is subsequently executed, the duty on such lease shall not exceed rupees ten."

Ideas about seed in food, mantras, music, and bodily emissions are important to Vaishnava Bauls. Among these, menstrual blood is central, the wellspring of emotional and mental activity. When the power of a woman's flow is moderated through dietary practices, contact with it leads to commensality. This essay examines the strategies pursued by a female Baui called Tara, her conflicting notions about social growth, and bonding relating to menstrual blood. (Person-centered ethnography, renouncers, music, health, emotion)

She is in her early thirties. Her husband is ten years older. Although their caste identity is that of untouchable leatherworkers, they also term themselves Vaishnava Baul, which entails that they are orange-clad mendicants who beg for alms while singing. Some songs are about the blue-complexioned god Krishna and his lover, the goddess Radha. Other songs address notions of procreative seed, thought to be present in bodily fluids, including menstrual blood. Rivers rising once a month are a woman's monthly flow. A flower blooming after twelve years signifies a young girl starting to menstruate. To drink the honey from the flower or to go swimming in the river is to ingest a woman's flow in order to be nourished.

Ingesting menstrual blood is the focal point of Vaishnava Baul ideology, a tradition sustained by means of recruitment. Yet many converts continue to reside in their natal village, thus maintaining daily contact with their kin and neighbors. This fact has been insufficiently emphasized. Instead, previous accounts have tended to describe the adherents as marginal wanderers, "renouncers," opposed to society at large (Capwell 1974; Dimock 1989; Salomon 1995:187). In keeping with this binary framework, it might easily be surmised that ideas of menstrual blood as a beneficent fluid are inversions of orthodox norms and practices, where the substance is thought to be polluting. Yet the situation is more complex than a model based on dichotomies implies. Notions held about this substance play across boundaries. Perceptions gained prior to becoming a renouncer continue to be relevant and ideas gained later feed back into the community in which Vaishnava Bani renouncers live. For instance, the lyrical imagery of their songs alluding to a woman's flow does not comprise a separate code language as might be assumed. For though the underlying meaning may seem veiled and enigmatic, as Salomon (1995:196) has noted, this does not mean that it is inaccessible, since if it were it would hold little appeal for ordinary villagers, who enjoy listening to Vaishnava minstrels sing. Indeed, the observations made by some authors working in South Asia suggest...

Domestic Violence (DV) is a pattern of harmful, hurtful behaviors that one 1 person in a relationship chooses to use on another to gain power and control. People who experience DV can be married, dating, living together, ex-partners, have children in common, or relatives by blood or marriage. People of any gender, age, race, culture, or income may experience DV. However, women are disproportionately impacted by intimate partner domestic violence. be457b7860

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