LaunchPad SJCE

LaunchPad SJCE is the collegiate Can-Satellite Building team of JSS Science and Technology University (formerly known as Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering), Mysuru, formed in the year 2018. It consists of highly passionate and skilled aero-modeling and aerospace students from different branches, who have collaborated to design and fabricate a cansat and to compete with other teams from all around the globe, in the International CanSat Competition, held in the month of June each year, in U.S.A.

The development of the CanSat is almost a year long process including mechanical design, electronics design, PDR, CDR, manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing. For the team to work effectively and to accelerate the development, the team is divided into two sub divisions :-

  • Electronics and Software team

  • Mechanical team

The team puts around 5000+ man hours for the development of the CanSat.

We are happy to announce that we got 13th rank in the 2021 competition and we are invited for completing further stages!!

The team first participated in the CanSat Competition of the year 2019 and in its very first attempt, got selected among the top 40 shortlisted teams among the 100 participants from all around the globe in the first screening stage (PDR Phase) and eventually after the completion of all the competition rounds, secured 26th rank in the whole world !!

Want to join us ?

Click the "Recruitment process" button below for more details on the recruitment procedure and the main skill-set we are looking for in a candidate who is participating in our recruitment process (or visit the 'Recruitment' section). To know more about the team and its members, click the "About the team" button below.