After the last day of instruction, instructors will confirm via email with the Scout and their parent/guardian that the requirements were completed. Blue cards will be provided digitally to the scout after the week is over and only after the merit badge counselor has verified that the individual scout has completed all listed requirements under that specific merit badge.

Each merit badge does include a $5 fee per badge to help cover online registration and the Zoom classrooms. Registration is limited to 15 Scouts per session to help provide the highest level of instruction to each Scout. If a badge can NOT be completed online, it will be noted below.

Fire Safety Merit Badge Pamphlet Pdf 28

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This article will provide you with information on the science of fire, how to prevent home fires, and how to handle fire safely. There are also chapters on burn prevention, outdoor, camping safety, and your local fire service.

Fires can be started almost anywhere with almost any materials. The key of fire safety is knowing what types of materials and conditions are most susceptible to fire, then practicing safety precautions to minimize the chances of fire.

Spending my days in an environment filled with the young, I entertain inmy mind a series of experiences I label "Close Encounters on the Campus."Two of these are illustrative. One day some years ago I was struck frombehind by a bicyclist riding the wrong way on a one-way street, pinnedagainst a car, and had two ribs broken. This was a few weeks afterreturning from a year in Southeast Asia during which, among otherexcitements, I and my family had been evacuated from the Saigon airportwhile it was under fire and had spent the night in a downtown Saigon hotelthe day before it was fire-bombed. My only injury that year came on thesafety of the Yale campus, because a graduate student did not think thatone-way signs applied to him, and because I thought myself back in anorderly society.

The second seminar was both more ambitious and more direct, as it soughtto examine "Society and the Detective Novel." It began with the premisethat our society had not endowed detective novels with the merit badges ofthe established "classics"--that Silas Manner was still thought,perhaps for valid reasons, to be a "better" book than RogerAckroyd--and that in part for this reason good readers devoured them bythe thousands. Those taxi drivers speak to me of Robert Ludlum while I waitfor the child in the cradle to lisp in Greek. The course set out to finddetective, mystery, and spy novels with contemporary settings which couldbe brought into the classroom and be demonstrated to possess the sameelements that had rendered the classics worthy of study. We also oftendiscussed whether a detective novel might enable the teacher to bring intothe open in classroom discussion a subject otherwise thought taboo. Weconcluded that on the whole it could not, but in reaching this conclusionwe all learned something more about how society constrains opendiscussion. be457b7860

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