ive done that more times than i can count now and when i dwnload malware bytes it still comes back as the one i dwnld i sep of last year after the restore and all the fake erases ok and i wont drive myself cray this is my final run im documenting it and asking for help one last time as the dang thing just gets chewed up and broke down to nothing but winding mess of aliaes an hundreds i mean hundreds of plist files and new files to where if u tried to get to do anything in terminal youd need a roadmap and a video camera cause it just keepschanging and irs like a hall of mirrors. after this if noone can answer any questions i ask im done. Im mailing the **** thing to sentinel one or trend and throwing away my iphone too. I never get no questions answered here just poeple that think they everything but cant put 2 and 2 together xause they dont look , i know cause even the simplest ?s arent answered . like u giving advice . if i was gonna go crazy id had done it last year when my accounts were gotten into and passwords changed and i had to do identity theft precautions and change everything everything twice now. I dont let it get thatfar anymore cause i know what happens . ive been forced back into paper statments and havent bought a thing offline in 14 months cause something is persistant in this machine . i just want to help other and i know time will show or sentinel or somebody with the time and knowledge will crack this one . I would sell this computer for million dollars cause i could do that to anybody + the patches and updates apple has done in the last months has greatly limited it ability to go so undetected. most of my questions and pics couldnt be on here cause apple and the admins here kept stopping them for jlbrk content which only verified what i know . i hate malware and wouldnt make a device more vulnerable to crap. i want things to be smooth and easylike autoupdates. ya know.

Notice the end of the strings change subtly, while the beginning always appears the same. The same is true for most msfvenom payloads. If only the IP address and port number are changed, the beginning of the produced base64 encoded payloads will always be the same for every hacker and pentester using msfvenom. Below is an example created by msfvenom using the IP address ""


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LockBit is well known for its constant evolution, which has enabled a host of successful attacks across a range of sectors like healthcare. The variant has remained the top attack vector in most ransomware reports since September 2021. A March report confirmed LockBit was behind the Washington state public transit system and ION Group hacks in February.

Hi, Zsolt -- This sounded like the most ridiculous thing I ever heard, but I'd tried everything else that was suggested and I figured there's no harm in trying. As you've probably guessed, I tried it and for the first time in 2-3 years I've got sound coming out of the headphone jack of my c2015 iMac. In fact, with the headphone jack live, I just attached a pair of external computer speakers, and they sound great. I'm with Noel on this one: Thanks, Zsolt!

@night4cat, exact same problem here - Headphones not detected when plugged in after sleep, same thing when the port is used for line-out or with another headphones set. This is almost certainly a firmware issue since the machine never fails to recognize the headphones after a reboot. It is not physical port damage.

Encryption, however, is probably the most important way to protect against an ARP attack. Due to the widespread use of encrypted communication protocols today, ARP hacking has become much more difficult. For example, most website traffic is encrypted using HTTPS, which prevents the hacker from reading the messages after intercepting them. Thus, the most important way to mitigate such attacks is to avoid sending unencrypted data.

First used to spy on US diplomats during the Cold War, hardware keyloggers actually date all the way back to the 1970s. The story goes that US IBM Selectric typewriters were secretly intercepted whilst in transit, and electromechanical implants were installed on them that would record every key pressed and transmit information in real-time. These keyloggers went undetected for eight years and were only discovered following a tip from a US ally in 1983.

[quote name="hmm" url="/t/181656/badusb-malware-lives-in-usb-firmware-to-remain-undetected-unfixable#post_2572328"][QUOTE name="PhilBoogie" url="/t/181656/badusb-malware-lives-in-usb-firmware-to-remain-undetected-unfixable#post_2572325"]Secondly, I'd also like to know why they say that it's 'impossible to patch'; if one can overwrite the firmware with malicious code can't one also restore the original firmware, were it available for said product?[/QUOTE]I read that as impossible to patch the vulnerability, not the rewritten firmware.[/quote]Ah, ok. But if the malware rewrites your DNS settings, can't one simply restore their hosts file from backup or simply change their DNS settings? On second thought, I presume 'the damage' has already been done by making people go to a website they didn't intend to go to. If so, I wonder where all these hackers want people to go to. TOR? Or some sleazy weazy nudity webby site? Convincing men to use their Credit Card for a lifetime subscription of...whatever.Yeah, whatever. Period.

SpectralBlur is a backdoor malware that was created by Lazarus, a hacking group from North Korea. Lazarus has been behind several hacks, including KandyKorn, which targeted blockchain engineers in cryptocurrency.

5) Although having malware in your system is a cause for concern for bigger things like identity theft, one of the most upsetting results of a SpectralBlur infection for most users is the fact it can delete files on your macOS. No one wants to wake up one morning to find out that their docs, photos, notes, videos and whatever else you have saved to your computer are gone. 589ccfa754

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