Teaching & Learning Portfolio
About Me
I've been inspired by my own mentors throughout my career to develop inclusive teaching skills, learn how to communicate science effectively, and be an advocate for my own future students and mentees. My involvement in Delta has been instrumental for me developing this skill set throughout my graduate career. I was involved with the Delta Program at UW-Madison for over three years during my graduate program at UW-Madison. During this time I participated in multiple workshops, courses, and completed a Teaching-As-Research internship project at Madison College. Throughout my career, I will use the skills that I have developed, and continue to develop, to play a part in training the next generation of scientific learners, teachers and communicators.
About Delta
The Delta Program at UW-Madison gives graduate students and postdocs opportunities for professional development in teaching, mentoring, outreach and advising. These opportunities have emphasis on effective and inclusive practices, career preparation, and learning through diversity and community. I originally prepared my teaching portfolio to satisfy one of the requirements for the Delta Certificate in Research, Teaching and Learning, though I now continuously update this website with my recent related work.