Sellers bear the burden of demonstrating that these prerequisites have been met, and that they possess the required written agreements from consumers to receive prerecorded calls for all such calls that they place.

...considers the guy a harmless nut. Nobody there is taking the claims remotely seriously. I suppose there is an infinitesimal possibility that he has found an actual weakness, but as RSA doesn't use surreal numbers, infinitesimals reduce to zero.

Aas Doesnt Pretend That All Lets-Encrypt-certified Sites Are Benevolent

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I thought that was the superconductor guy? That's my 2023 vote to far. At least he got a *lot* of press. This guy doesn't seem like he will generate a lot of press. Maybe because it's about numbers instead of power and things.

It isn't worth a Slashdot article. No one is this much of a white hat that they wouldn't say, "Wanna crash a few passenger jets?" like Whistler in Sneakers. Or something less diabolical at least. If he had this, with this much bombast and the New Age claims of ancient knowledge, there would have been even more drama. He doesn't have it; he blabbed the ultimate 0-day like it was nothing consequential, all the while claiming its consequentiality. Carry on.

These cyber criminals go to great lengths to create websites that appear legitimate but contain fake links, log-in pages and attachments. Their hope is that victims will take the bait and provide money, passwords, Social Security numbers, credit card numbers and other information that will lead to identity theft, which, ironically, was number one on the 2016 Dirty Dozen list.

The greatest dilemma arises from the fact that techniquesthat protect against illicit eavesdropping and data theft alsothreaten to prevent licittag_hash_111 access to communicationsand data by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.{5} The policy dilemma is especially acute in theUnited States because widespread encryption imposes aparticularly severe cost on U.S. intelligence-gatheringcapabilities. (I use "capability" throughout this Article tomean physical ability, not legal ability. Thus, forexample, anyone with a gun who can get within range has thecapability of shooting me. That doesn't mean they legally can,morally should, or likely will.) U.S. electronic- intelligencecapabilities are presumed to be the best in the world; if so, theU.S. has the most to lose from a move towards a world in whichcommunications traffic is routinely protected with encryption sostrong that it cannot be decrypted easily, and perhaps not atall. Widespread high-quality encryption not only lessens theU.S. government's ability to eavesdrop on foreign communications,but threatens to make it difficult, perhaps impossible, toconduct traffic analysis. Where once an encrypted message stoodout, suggesting that the sender had something important to hide,now these critical messages risk being camouflaged in a sea ofencrypted data.

The similarities between Fortezza and Clipper mask asubstantial difference. If Louis, an FBI agent, has a Title IIIjudicial wiretap authorization to monitor Alice's e-mail, shegoes through steps identical to a Clipper request{67} to get access to Alice's outgoing e-mail. This procedure is of no value, however, if Louis wantsaccess to Alice's incoming e-mail as well. The reason forthis is a little complex, but it is important. When two Clipperchips want to communicate in real time, they agree on a sessionkey,{68} which they both use for thattelephone call. The LEAF-generation scheme used in Clipperrelies on both chips knowing the session key, and on having bothchips exchanging different LEAFs, each containing the sessionkey. Thus, if Louis has a warrant allowing her to hear Alice'sphone calls, Louis can recover the session key from eitherLEAF. Because the two Clipper chips work in synch, Alice's chip-unique key suffices to hear both sides of the conversation. E-mail doesn't work like that. When Bob sends an e-mail to Alice,his Capstone chip is not in direct communication with Alice, andhis chip must therefore select the encryption key on itsown.{69} As a result, although Bob's chip maysend out a valid LEAF, it is not synchronized with Alice's chip,and Louis cannot be certain of making Alice's chip emit a LEAFcontaining the session key when she reads Bob's e-mail. Itfollows that unless Louis can somehow get access to Alice'sprivate key the only way that she can read Bob's message is toalso get the escrow agents to give her Bob's chip-uniquekey. If Alice gets lots of e-mail, Louis may end up compromisinga large number of Capstone chips' security, leading to the "pileof keys" problem.{70}

The software key escrow proposal extended to all keys usedin communications, including telephones, but it did not involvethe "escrow" of keys used in digital signatures. Indeed, escrowof digital-signature keys would be a very bad idea. For onething, businesses would have little need to ensure emergencyaccess to keys that give employees the power to do somethingbecause a well-designed key management system allows theappropriate authorities to revoke and create individuals'authorizations at will. For example, a corporation might issuedigitally signed certificates authorizing the holder of adigital-signature key to sign things in the corporate name or totransact up to a defined dollar limit.{86} Each digital-signature key is unique, andidentifies the persons involved in the transaction just as muchas it authenticates them as legitimate corporate representatives. A supplier presented with an employee's digital signature wouldordinarily check to ensure that the certificate backing up thatsignature was valid before relying on it. This authenticationusually requires a real-time check on the continuing validity ofthe corporate certificate.{87} If the employee's authorization lapsed for anyreason, the corporation could easily revoke the certificate,making continuing authentication of the employee's digitalsignature impossible. As a result, a business using certificateddigital signatures in its transactions would never need to forgean employee's digital signature, and would not want to createthis capability for anyone else. The company retains controlover delegated powers without needing to be able to pretend to bethe employee.

The cozy assumption that marketable cryptography does notbreed outside the U.S. is suddenly less credible than it appearedto be even a year ago. First, reputable non-U.S. manufacturerssuch as Nippon Telephone and Telegraph have announced that theyintend to produce strong cryptographic devices.{113} Second, U.S.-based companies have announcedthat they plan to import foreign cryptosystems and sellthem under their own label.{114} Once in the U.S., strong foreign cryptographyis no more exportable than the home-grown variety, but some U.S.companies apparently believe that they can structure theirproduction so that non-U.S. clients would be served from offshoreproduction sites and the goods would never fall within U.S.jurisdiction. Third, U.S. companies such as RSA are formingalliances with foreign cryptographers in which the U.S. tradenamewill be licensed to the foreign supplier.{115} The foreign product can be either indigenousor an indigenous implementation of a algorithm published in theU.S. since, at least at the moment, it is not an export-controlviolation to send encryption algorithms abroad in the form ofequations printed on paper.{116}

In particular, a person with the editinterface right, who was knowledgeableabout javascript, could potentially take over other users accounts, extractpersonally identifying information from arbitrary users, or even use Wikimediasites to serve malicious software to unsuspecting victims. Thus it is criticalthat accounts with the ability to edit site JS are kept secure.

In an alert published today, the FBI urged people not to respond to spam messages asking for donations, and to be skeptical of people pretending to be surviving victims or officials asking for donations via e-mail or social networking sites.

If past disasters are any indication, we also are likely to see thieves using search engine manipulation tactics to jack up the ranking of malicious Web sites, so that consumers searching for news about the current situation in Haiti stumble upon a site foisting malware. UPDATE, 2:25 p.m. Web security monitoring firm Websense reports that criminals already are gaming the search engines for Haiti-related terms to point Web searchers to domains pushing rogue anti-virus products.

Hurricane Katrina brought scammers out of the woodwork; dozens of domains were set up overnight asking for Paypal donations on behalf of the victims or different relief organizations, but there was no way to verify that the money would go to the promised destination. After the 2004 tsunami in South Asia, a survey by MasterCard International and security firm NameProtect Inc. found more than 170 tsunami-related scam sites being used to misdirect donations to relief efforts.

the site has many symbols and urls of well-known organizations listed, but none of the pictures or the urls are links to the main websites of those organizations. This seems the mean that he site creator does not want to make it too easy to go to a professional organizations website, where they would actually be donating their money to help Haiti, and not to a random website owner.

A cybersecurity process for screening access to emails and websites and then blocking harmful content. It ensures users cannot access device-damaging content or material that is illegal, inappropriate, or objectionable. It can be used by parents to protect children from exposure to graphic content and by organizations to block websites that are inappropriate for the work environment.

A web security vulnerability that enables cyber criminals to inject malicious scripts into trusted websites. In an XSS attack, attackers use web applications to send malicious code that compromises user activity.

A process that hides the true meaning of a message so only the intended recipient can read and decipher it. Cryptography has been used for thousands of years to code messages and is still widely used to protect credit cards, ecommerce sites, and passwords. be457b7860

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