Our America

Gun control

We support the implementation of Universal Background Checks (UBCs) but no more gun control than that as it may infringe upon the right to bare arms.

Privatization of Healthcare

We will keep healthcare industry private and not in the hands of the federal government but recognize the government must make a standard for these companies.

Death Penalty

We want to abolish to death penalty in all states to stop the killing of innocent people and save Americans money in the exorbitant cost of execution.

Tax Reform

We do not want to increase taxes. We do want to close loopholes in which the wealthy class are taking advantage of and reform the tax system to make it fair for all so no American is cheated.

Government Services

We believe in the expansion of medicare and medicaid in all 50 states as this use of money will only benefit Americans. In order to expand other services other ways of funding will be vetted to insure it does not harm Americans financially


We believe we need to reform our current immigration system. We must end the unfair Visa lottery and work to make DACA a legal bill. We must increase middle eastern refugees of war and genocide and grant asylum.


We believe it is our duty to become the leading nation in uniting the world by working diplomatically with allies and enemies to achieve our goals


We want to tackle the corruption all over the federal government. Corporations are running capital hill while it should be run by the people and for the people and that is what needs to change.

See where the Party of Latter-Day Patriots lands on the Political Spectrum

Research conducted by Campaign Manager Jake Winston in conjunction with the Pew Research Center