Say that you have a list of cities in Excel and need to know the latitude and longitude for each city. A new Geography Data Type feature coming to Office 365 will make this easy. Check the Data tab in the Excel ribbon. Do you have a new Data Type category with Stocks and Geography?

If you do much geographic work, you may wonder if you can use Excel to display longitude and latitude in a cell in terms of degrees, minutes, and seconds. There are three ways that a solution can be approached.

Latitude And Longitude Excel Worksheet Download


Sometimes, however, you may want to take a decimal value that represents latitude and longitude and display it in degrees, minutes, and seconds. For instance, you may want 122.44 (which is a decimal representation of degrees) to be displayed as 122 degrees, 26 minutes, and 24 seconds. This cannot be accomplished with formatting the cell in which the number is contained. Instead, you must use a formula to achieve the proper display. For instance, if 122.44 is in cell A7, then you can put the following in cell B7:

This is a long formula, but it provides the desired formatting of the latitude or longitude value. The result is text, and cannot be used in any calculations. If you want to use a display instead, you can simply divide the decimal value of the latitude or longitude by 24, which converts it into the same value ranges used by Excel to represent times. Then you can format the display of the formula as follows:

To add location data from a spreadsheet into Google Earth, import the latitude and longitude info. You'll need a text file that is delimited, which means each line is a separate piece of coordinates info. Every location that you import from your text file is converted to a Google Earth placemark and listed in your Places.

hola, I am using odkcollect con google drive and googlesheet but,I don't like that latitude and longitude coordinates appear in the same cell. I would like them to appear in different cells to facilitate export to GIS.

Hola Daniel! It's no problem if ODK will provide the coordinates in the same cell. You can split or separate the longitude and latitude from each other using excel. And it's a very easy step. Using MS Excel, you can split the data using the "text-to-columns" button under the "Data" tab. Just use the "semi-colon" as the delimiter. I have an exported csv file from ODK collect which I splitted the longlat cell into two cells. Here is an attached image of a table with splitted long/lat.Splitted%20longlat%20cells1697667 447 KB

I wanted to know if there is a formula in Excel to convert latitudes and longitudes(in degrees) into x and y coordiantes(in km or m), a formula that takes into account the curvature of Earth. Any help will be really appreciated.

If your data source contains custom latitude and longitude fields, you can use them instead of the Tableau Latitude (generated) and Longitude (generated) fields to create a dual-axis map. Follow the steps below to learn how.

Notice that, in the Data pane, under Measures, there are two sets of latitude and longitude fields: the custom latitude and longitude fields from the data source, and the generated latitude and longitude fields that Tableau creates from your geographic fields.

I have data sets on excel spreadsheets and I need to combine and process the data using Alteryx. I amd using Select tool to specify the columns that I need to combine but not sure what data type to assign to my longitude and Latitude data columns. I need to eventually be able to map my data points using visualization software.

I assume you have latitude field and a longitude field that you need to map. Use an Input tool to bring the data into Alteryx. A Select tool allow you change the latitude and longitude fields to the necessary numeric format. The Create Points tool in Alteryx accepts floating point (double) fields, or integers (floating points x 1000000), or floating points in other projections. Alteryx can then be used to analyse the points and produce maps/reporting on your spatial data.

Using old plans and maps that I rectified and georeferenced I determined approximate coordinates for certain points. These coordinates are in decimal degrees and are split in two colums latitude and longitude in the relevant excel table. Now I imported the excel table in xls format and set the coordinate system to WGS84 Web Mercator, and while the relative position of the points to each other seems correct, their absolute position is wrong; they are in the middle of the base map and not in Belgium, which does obviously not exist in the ocean near Africa.

Geocoding is the conversion of street addresses to latitude and longitude data that can be mapped. Now, there are two ways to geocode latitude and longitude from an Excel spreadsheet: the hard way and the easy way.

Whether you want to make a latitude and longitude map or create your own virtual wedding guide for your guests, BatchGeo provides a free and easy way to make beautiful web maps that are ready to be saved and shared.

I recently had a text file containing individual addresses along with latitude and longitude and requirements for a project that required matching those addresses to congressional districts. While there might be lots of approaches to solving the problem of joining non-spatial data to spatial data, the fact that it can be solved with a spatial join in Tableau never occurred to me! Until I saw this exchange on Twitter:

If you have latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees/minutes/seconds, you will have to prepare these columns in decimal degrees. You can either do any of the following to put them in the correct format:

I have latitude and longitude data in degrees. However, ArcMap uses them as meters and everything is potted close to the origin, off the coast of Africa. How do I change the settings in ArcMap so that it recognizes the data in degrees?

Procedure Use Excel to format the columns containing the Longitude (X, or Easting) and Latitude (Y, or Northing) values as NUMBER, with a minimum of 8 decimal places. This is to ensure that ArcMap reads the data in the file correctly.

Descriptions of the contents of each column are required in the output file. The label columns are ID, Longitude, Latitude, and Description. The image below shows the distribution of positive and negative values for longitude (X) and latitude (Y) coordinates worldwide.After formatting the file, select all the cells in populated rows and columns in the table, and navigate to File > Print Area > Set Print Area, or Page Layout > Print Area > Set Print Area.Note:In the later versions of Excel, the Print Area options are on the Page Layout tab.Navigate to File > Save As, and select a supported format from the choices available in Excel. Click Yes if Excel prompts that certain formatting is not supported in this file format.Close Excel. Click No when Excel prompts to save the changes.Note:If the changes are saved, Excel converts the file to an .xls or .xlsx Workbook that can only be used in ArcMap at version 9.2 and newer versions.Add the data from the .dbf, .csv, .txt or .prn file to ArcMap. Navigate to Tools > Add XY Data, and select the file to do so.Note:In version 10.0, click the Add Data button.Right-click the table name, and select Display XY Data.Warning:At version 10.0, ArcMap applies the coordinate system of the Data Frame to the XY Data. This coordinate system is likely to be wrong for the data.Click the Edit button to open the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box. Click the Select button to select a coordinate system for the data.Note:If a warning message regarding the missing Object-ID field is displayed, it is safe to ignore it and click OK. As an example, GPS data is most often collected in units of decimal degrees or lat/long, which is a geographic coordinate system. Open this directory. Most frequently, GPS data is collected on the WGS 1984 datum, so open the World folder, and select WGS_1984.prj.

In testing code for Deathpod3000, I found it very valuable to have a quick and easy way to calculate correct distance and bearing to a latitude longitude waypoint to compare to results I was getting from my Atmega32 C code. In this article, I will explain a little about the formulas, show them working in Excel and at the end of the article you can download a spreadsheet and play with them yourself.

For modern microprocessors with 8 byte IEEE floating point numbers, the spherical law of cosines can be used to compute distance between 2 latitude longitude points. The law of cosines can be expressed in Excel as:

Upload Excel latitude longitude in QGIS as Spatial Layer and save as Shapefile. When you have collection of point data i.e latitude and longitude, stored in Excel file in different column, then you can easily view and Save it as Vector layer file in QGIS(Quantum GIS). Well after uploading Excel latitude longitude values as spatial layer, you are only one step back, to convert the Excel data in Shapefile or KML or any vector file.

3.) By default, if your column is named as latitude and longitude, then, X will be mapped to longitude and Y will be mapped to latitude. Select OK after mapping X and Y.

This Excel worksheet provides a list of cities whose mayors signed the U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement as of September 12, 2011. This list was obtained from the Climate Protection Center website at Notice that the worksheet also contains the latitude and longitude of the cities in decimal degrees.

Notice this file is identical to the worksheet you used earlier to map the participating city locations, except that it is missing the latitude and longitude information. In such an instance where you would like to map these cities, you would first have to obtain their coordinates, so you will use an online geocoder. There are many online geocoders, but the one you will be using in this course is called GPSVisualizer. For your future reference, a list of geocoders is maintained by Texas A&M University GeoServices at e24fc04721

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